
Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

What to do on yet another rainy day? Get your baby sister and introduce her to the wonderful world of Thomas.


  1. I took the adorable pictures!!

  2. Too cute. She's like, why am I sitting in the middle of train tracks. Her face is classic.

  3. Love the look on her face. I can't believe she keeps that hat on. I struggle out in the sun because Ella takes her hat off literally within seconds of me putting it on. So cute!!

  4. So cute! There's nothing like being the "center of attention"!

  5. What a great idea. I bet she loved it!

  6. That would entertain Justin for hours! Very cute!

  7. How cute is that. It's amazing she kept her hat on. Those eyes are oh so beautiful. Hugs..

  8. Oh my God bud! Em is soooooooooooooooo adorable!! (ALL your babes are!!!!) This looks like more fun than Eadiville!? haha love n kisses!

  9. Ha! Ha! That is all great until she is able to move around and grab the trains. Then it is all out warfare :) Very cute!!

  10. Great job, Sophia! And Happy 10th BDay! I love how older sibs make life more fun for our little ones!

  11. Love it! We *so* loved our Bumbo-type seat for Sebastian. Someone should've invented that a long time ago!

    The hat is super cute :>)

  12. Thanks for stopping by our blog. We left on vacation just after I posted and so I am trying to catch back up on the blogging world. Your Emilia is so cute. I love the hat and her facial expression as she wonders what she is doing. I look forward to reading more about her!

    Kristi and Carter
