
Saturday, July 25, 2009

Heavens sweetest Flower

. Early 1940's

. Loving Emilia- Nov 2008

. With Bella and Andrew, about 2 years ago

Today heaven received a piece of my heart. My Aunt Emily, the Aunt who was my second mother, the Aunt who my little Em is named after passed away. How incredibly difficult it is to write this, but it is something I need to do. She never wanted recognition or attention, she was happy to be in the background. But today she must be recognized. Today I have to let as many people as possible know what an exceptional human being she was.

She was born with many health problems, polio being just one. She suffered daily, but no one would ever know, I never heard her complain. Everything she did, she did perfectly. The way she dressed, spoke,she was so organized and tidy, even her handwriting was beautiful. I remember trying to be just like her when I was a little girl. I wanted to dress like her , I would try to copy her handwriting , even clean my room and pretend I was her.

Emily didn't cook, cleaning was her specialty, but when my grandmother died, someone had to take over the cooking, especially Sunday dinner, well guess who stepped up to the plate and blew us all away. Just add one more thing to the list of things Auntie could do, but wanted no credit for. She would say,"I just followed Mama's recipe".


When I was about 10 or 11, Auntie took me to New York, it was the best time I ever had .We went with a friend of hers and her grand daughter.We stayed at St. Moritz Hotel( that's how I remember the name, I'm not 100% sure it's right, any true New Yorker feel free to correct me), we rode a horse and carriage through Central Park, saw a Broadway play, I Remember Mama, went to the crown of the Statue of Liberty and the top of the Empire State Building. One funny memory I have of the trip is , when we checked into our rooms, Noelle, her friends grand daughter came in our room to tell us that she had a view of central park( I think) any way a really good view. So as soon as she left my Aunt and I looked at each other and instantly went over to our window to see what spectacular view we had. I will never forget how we just looked at each other in disbelief as we opened the blinds to reveal the lovely brick wall in front of us. I am laughing and crying now as I think back to it.

She was the one who I would "run away" to when I was mad at my mother. She never got mad at me, she always listened as I new she would.We could communicate with just a look at times when words could not be used.

Her greatest pleasure in life were my children. I am so thankful she got to love and hold all of them.

I adored her, she was "movie star" beautiful. I could just stare at her all day. I thought she was the most beautiful person in the world. In spite of all her beauty and goodness, she was never truly happy, she had a difficult life, I could say a sad life. As I talked to my mother today,who was her sister we both acknowledged that this was finally the happiest day of Aunties life. Today she began an eternity without pain, without sadness, without worry. The unkind words that hurt her through out her life will never touch her again. Yes, sadly my sweet Aunt experienced much unkindness from people who "loved her".

She spent the last few years of her life in a nursing home. How my heart broke that day. My mom called this morning to tell me we should get up there. About one half hour later she called back to tell me Auntie was gone. At first I was upset. I wanted to say good bye, but after thinking about it, she did it in her own way. She slipped away quietly without any one knowing. She hated people looking at her . I had to smile at that.

If I had to pick something to describe her it would be a flower. Something small and inconspicuous, but with the fragrance of a field of roses.

I am sad beyond words, but the sadness is for myself , I will miss her terribly.But what joy I have knowing that, that beautiful flower I love so much is in the arms of Jesus and so happy, so very very happy.


  1. What a beautiful tribute. And joy when the perspective is heaven's . . . .

  2. Wow. Beautiful tribute. Your Auntie reminds me a lot of my grandmother, who thankfully is still with us. Never complaining. Never wanting the credit. Always content to serve and love others with an incredibly generous heart. I am sad for you today. I will be thinking of you in the next few days ahead. Please feel free to email me if you need to share your sadness.


  3. I'm so sorry for your loss. She sounds like she had a long, wonderful life.
    I wanted to know if you would email me that pic on your header. When I first saw that pic it gave me an idea. I want to get a big picture frame with a bunch of 3x5's in it and put all of our downs friends in it and put a cute saying like. you think we're different, and we think your all the same. And hang it on my wall.

  4. What a beautiful tribute you just paid to your dear Aunt!!! I truly felt like I was living those memories with you. I had an aunt like that as well. One I just loved spending time with. I am sorry for your loss but glad that you have such wonderful memories of her and that you recognize that she is in a much better place now.

  5. By the way....ditto Lacey's idea..send me the pic too. I am soooo copying that idea.

  6. Stephanie, that was such a beautiful tribute to your Auntie. It sounds like you loved her dearly and I am very sad for your loss. She was lucky to be loved by you.

  7. So sorry for your loss. I have an aunt that I am close to like that too, she is still with us, but I can only imagine the sadness I would feel if she was to leave us. What a gift your aunt was to you and your family. She was very lucky to have you. It is clear that you, and your family, were a bright spot in her life.

  8. Steph, you are in my prayers! My heart goes out to you completely, I am sooo sorry. Your Aunt was absolutely beautiful inside and out. Much love bud, much love.

  9. Awe sweetie, my heart goes out to you right now. What a wonderful tribute to a beautiful lady. May Jesus hold you too in the palm of His hands today and bring you comfort. Hugs..

  10. You just made your Aunt Emily VERY proud Steph....she is certainly smiling down upon you! Your words have touched all of us is simply beautiful....for a beautiful treasure you will always have...hearts go out to you. xo

  11. Oh Stephanie,
    You wrote beautiful and moving words to honor such a beautiful blessed you were to have her in your life!

    I am so sorry for your loss.

    Much love from Colorado,

  12. That was a most beautiful post to a wonderful lady. I'm sorry for the loss you will feel for her, and happy that she will suffer no more. Aren't we so blessed for the women like her that teach us how to live and make this world better through their example. I will pray for you and your family at this time.

  13. I'm so sorry for your loss! What a loving tribute to your aunt. May she rest in peace.

    BTW, your blog header jumped out at me and gave me a big smile. Thanks for that. Just adorable!

  14. That was a beautiful post and tribute to your amazing Aunt. You and your family will be in my prayers.

  15. I truly am sorry for your loss. That was a beautiful tribute for a wonderful lady. I am glad she was there for you so many times in your life - you are lucky!

  16. What a beautiful post, thank you for sharing. I am sorry for your loss but what a wonderful life she had and what great memories. Your family is in our prayers at this tender time.
