
Monday, July 27, 2009

Please Pray For...

... Cindy. She is a wife and mother of 10, beautiful kids. She has been diagnosed with cancer and it does not look very good. Linny over at has also asked for prayers and fasting. You can read about Cindy on Linny's blog. Linny also has a link to Cindy's blog. Please take a moment to read about her, it's only a click away. You will be so amazed by both these families. I can't believe I didn't post this request sooner, but it's never too late . God doesn't wear a watch. If you come by here ,please take a moment to meet Cindy and Linny and their families. Thanks!

P.S. thank you for all the beautiful and supportive comments yesterday about my Aunt. I did gather strength from them.


  1. Crappy friend from the west coast here...How in the world did I miss the post about your Aunt?I am so,so sorry Stephanie.She sounds like she was and I prefer to say is,an amazing woman.what an incredible gift to be given the gift of a "second mother".Keeping you close in thought today.And I will certainly go and read up and send a prayer for this family .. I cannot imagine what they must be going through.Again my sweet friend .. sorry.

  2. S ~ Thank you so much for posting about fasting for Cindy. I am so excited at what God is going to do in her life and the lives of those who are interceding and fasting for her today.

    BTW, I can't remember if I mentioned but I LOVE the header picture!! I just want to reach thru the computer screen and grab her and hug the daylights out of her....oh my gracious!! What a treasure!!

    Love from Colorado!

  3. It's so wonderful to see so many fasting and praying for Cindy. She is one extraordinary lady. I firmly believe God's going to do something huge here. Hugs
