
Monday, August 24, 2009

Emmie Did It, Did You?

Did you get your "I did It" t- shirt? If you haven't heard the latest buzz head on over to , threes a charm, Jennifer is donating the book Gifts2 to hospitals, doctor offices and genetic counselors for every t-shirt she sells. What a difference this could make to a mother sitting in a doctors office or even better a genetic counselors office contemplating the future of her unborn child. This could change the fate for that child. How about the parents who think their lives are over because they just received the news there baby has Ds. If someone had put this book in my hands then... boy would that have helped with the multitude of breakdowns I had.

Emmie is proudly sporting her "I Did It" shirt and I praise and thank Jennifer for doing this wonderful act. I truly believe our children are the best kept secrets. Secrets the world should be let in on. I was a doubting Thomas, I had to see to believe. Emilia has opened my eyes and my heart. She "did It".


  1. I am seeing so many blog buddies with that fabulous shirt! I just might have to break down and buy one! They are amazing little angels, aren't they!

  2. How blessed we are...I too wish people truly understood how much these amazing angels are needed on this earth! I will check it out! Thank you!

  3. I can't believe she is almost a year old. Were does time go? The t shirt is great, we'll have to check it out.

  4. How cute! I couldn't really see her yesterday because she was covering her "i did it" shirt.And when I see it now on her/your blog I know what she looks like with it on.

  5. You're so right... a great little secret that we're all in on. Thanks for sharing your little "i did it" princess. She's adorable!

  6. I agree, they are angels that God has placed on earth to change all of us. And your little princess is just so cute. Her smile...I keep saying it I know, however everytime I see it, it lights up the world. Hugs

  7. I couldn't concur more! Presley is the best secret I have ever been given, whispered in my ear from the amazing Lord above, but everyone should know the beauty of HER and everyone else with Ds. Blessed are we Steph!

  8. I LOVE her "i did it" post!!! She is just ADORABLE!!! Thanks again for participating in this and helping to make a difference. Keep doing "it"!!!!

  9. So cute. Every milestone is such a great acheivement now instead of just something that they are doing as they move to the next milestone effortlessly. Look at her standing, great job Em!
