
Saturday, August 22, 2009

Thankful Saturday?

Well, I wasn't going to post anything today. I was just sitting here with , you know who(Emmie) , and we were going through our morning routine, bottle for her, coffee for me. Then we check in on every one of our bloggy friends. My goal is to do this before the rest of the "circus" wakes up. I noticed the date, it's the 22nd, My little Lovie is 10 months old today! Double digits month! Where in the world did ten months go? That's over 300 days! Emmie has been bringing us joy and laughter for over 300 days almost a whole year!

I know today is not Thankful Thursday or Sunday, but today is Thankful Saturday, just this week, for me anyway.

How thankful am I for this sweet gift from God.

I'm thankful for her health.

For her smile that fills my heart.

I'm thankful that I have a house full of children who love Emilia as much as I do.

I'm thankful that I live in a community that embraces Em as their own.

For a patient and forgiving husband, who tolerates more than he should.

I'm thankful for the laughter and screams that fill my home, the silence without them would be deafening.

I am grateful for bloggers who are now friends who care enough to be interested in what goes on in my life and the lives of my loved ones.

Most of all I am in wonder and complete thankfulness that The Lord for some reason,that I hope to figure out, looked upon us with approval and entrusted us with Emilia.

One more thing I'm thankful for... blueberry pie. Yup, Emilia will chew ansd swallow pie. Good thing we picked soooo many. I will be busy making pies for the Princess.


  1. Happy 10 months Emmie!! You have so much to be thankful for!! Bennett is 3 months today! Yay for Emmie and Bennett!

  2. OMG!!! I copletely forgot that Em turned 10 monthes today. We should give Em a whole peice of pie for this day. WOW! That was about more than 300 days ago!? WTYL

    (Write To You Later)

  3. Happy ten months Em! LOVE the picture of her enjoying the blueberry pie!

  4. Happy Ten Months! The blueberry pie looks like it was delicious! I love your thankful list - it does certainly go by fast!

  5. A joy and a blessing for sure.I think she gets more beautiful with each passing day.How is that possible?

  6. Happy 10 months! You're a beautiful girl!

  7. I love the blueberry face, so cute and yummy.

  8. Happy 10 months time goes by so fast! she is so cute! love from Iceland

  9. Oh my, 10 months full of wonder and awe. She does get sweeter by the day. I absolutely love the picture of her and the blueberry pie. Priceless.

    And what an awesome thank you list. It just brings tears to my eyes (in a good way). You are indeed blessed.

  10. Wow... she's the cutest 10 month old I've ever seen!

  11. I didn't know, I had such a talented and inspired writer in the family.
    Your patient and forgiving husband

  12. I couldn't have said it better myself... You took the words -- that my heart feels every day -- right out of my mouth. What an absolutely beautiful family. Thanks for coming to see me and mine so that I could come and meet you and yours.

  13. I just love this little girls smile, it makes me smile. I love your post today.

  14. I know why you call your blog daily smiles...she has the most amazing smile! Lights up my day!

  15. So precious! I'm thankful for the fact that you share your life with us!! I LOVE your pics!
