
Friday, September 18, 2009

Happy Birthday Livie

My Olivia through the years.

Twelve years ago you came into this world. Right on your due date, the exact weight my doctor estimated , and you were the little girl I was dreaming about, and you were my birthday present too. Born one day before mine. Not a bad start. You have continued to grow and amaze me every day. I had never really come into contact with a baby before you. I had to learn as I went. Learn about diapers and feedings and even learn that it was OK to put you down , (occasionally). You were terribly over protected, I hovered over you day and night , warned everyone to disinfect themselves before touching you. I didn't even let Daddy drive anywhere alone with you. I felt I always had to be there to take care of you. Thank goodness for you , I loosened the reigns a little when Sophie was born, and realized a little help could come in handy.
You are blossoming into a beautiful young lady. And although I miss that sweet baby, and that giggly little girl, I love the young adult you are becoming. I enjoy laughing with you and talking to you on a more "grown up " level. Not so sure I like the fact that you can fit into my clothes and shoes, but some how I can't fit into yours.
I so enjoy watching you dance. The look of complete joy on your face. The excitement in your voice after a hard ballet class, or nailing a pirouette on pointe. I love that you want to tell me these things.
This is your last year as a tween! Next year a full blown teen you will become! No doubt it will be a struggle at times, but when you're not hating me, I'm sure it will be another wonderful step we can take together. I value our closeness so much as I see all to often families who are not close to each other.
Enjoy this year, my dear. Enjoy being twelve, I know I will enjoy watching you be twelve, as I have delighted in watching you grow and learn every day since you were born.
Love Mommy,
P. S. I Love You More!


  1. You have such beautiful girls. You'd better build a tall fence and get a gun to keep the boys away!

  2. Happy Birthday Olivia!! A dancer after my own dancers heart.

  3. Happy birthday Olivia I hope you will have a good time.

    Love Bella

  4. Happy 12th Birthday to a very beautiful girl! Hope her day is absolutely wonderful!

  5. Happy Birthday even though I'm late. Stephanie, is is beautiful. What wonderful pictures. I hope you all had a wonderful day celebrating her life. Hugs..
