
Sunday, September 20, 2009

Thankful Sunday

What a busy birthday weekend we had. Friday night we had cake and presents for Olivia. Saturday was my b-day. I didn't get up until 9:30 in the morning!!!! That was awesome! And today we went apple picking, that was my choice and we had Olivia's birthday dinner, her choice. It's always the same, chicken wings and ravioli. But tonight the cake was for me. And it was extra special. Keep reading and you'll find out why.

I'm thankful for Olivia and the wonderful twelve years she has been in our lives

I'm thankful that she let me blow the candles out with her.

I'm thankful that not only did my family let me sleep in late, but my Sophia made me breakfast in bed. Sophia makes the best scramble eggs on the east coast, SERIOUSLY. She gave me the royal treatment.

Absolutely thankful for this face.

And, thankful for this face too. He ate a tiny cherry apple, very sour.

Thankful for little Emilia

She was trying to get a bite of that apple. Upper teeth would help.

Thankful for this beautiful weather and apple orchard.

Thankful for these wonderful apple trees so heavy with delicious apples. I can almost taste the pies.(click to enlarge the pic above)

Thankful for a special picture with Sophia.

Thankful she didn't fall out of the tree. You never know with Soph.

I guess this thankful should be from Olivia. Thankful Dad won the battle with the grill and the chicken wings were delicious.

I'm thankful for everyone who signed this card, don't know who felt the need to remind me of my age, like I could forget. And thankful for the yummy box of candy that went along with it.

Now, here's why this cake was so special. Sophia asked me a couple of days ago when I was making Olivia's cake if I was going to make my own birthday cake. I said no, I would share Olivia's. Sophia wasn't happy with that so she asked if she could make me a birthday cake. And that perfect double layer chocolate cake above is it. Isn't it beautiful! And it tasted great!!! She decorated it all by herself too. I am so thankful she thought to do that for me.


  1. Such darling pictures! What sweet and thoughtful kids you have! Happy Birthday!

  2. What great kids you have. Happy birthday to both of you. Is that your very own apple orchard? How nice is that.

  3. Happy Birthday Steph!!

    And may there be many more blessed years for you and Olivia too :>)

  4. You must be a Great mom to raise such great kids!! Glad your birthday weekend was so grand!!! You certainly deserve it!!

  5. Happy Birthday to both of you! How wonderful you got to share the day with all the people that love you. The day sounded perfect!!!

  6. Happy Birthday! Sleeping until 9:30, breakfast in bed, and homemade birthday cake. Sounds perfect. Happy birthday to your daughter too--love your birthday wishes to her!

  7. happy bday to the both. your kids are so precious and wonderful! i agree you are a great mom!

  8. What a nice birthday - Happy Birthday to all of you!

  9. Just found your blog. Your family is beautiful & obviously loves you very much. What a beautifully special cake!

  10. Wow! I have met a lot of blessed people in this world of blogging Steph, but you Missy, have some serious blessings in your life! Seriously, I got goose bumps after each thankful picture. Your family is precious and amazing!
    And BTW, your still younger than me if that makes you feel better, sigh... It doesn't make me feel better, but hopefully it makes you feel better... that'll be my gift to you! Happy belated Birthday!
