
Thursday, April 29, 2010

Attitude is Everything

Everyone needs a shirt with a little bit of attitude. Notice Em has her game face on. She's tough!!

All smiles again! Thanks Amy!!!!! Loving the shirt!!!!!


  1. Love the shirt...Love the model more!! I already sent Amy an email to see if we can still order one or if it is too late. I must harass you though....What!! no comment from Stephanie on my latest posts????? I am feeling neglected :)

  2. Love the shirt!! Miss Em, you wear it sooooo well:)

  3. That is great! She is a super model!!

  4. aww your welcome.. and she looks adorable!!!

  5. oh and do you mind me putting her picture on our facebook page???

  6. Love the shirt, love that little one in the shirt. Her attitude is going to take her far in life. She is one little treasure!! Hugs and love

  7. Awwww she is too cute for words! Must know where you got the shirt! LOVE it!

  8. Addy wants that shirt!! I've got to find one!

  9. That shirt is awesome...and Emi sports it like a champ.

  10. where did you get that wonderful little shirt? Marissa ABSOLUTELY NEEDS one. :-)

  11. LOVE LOVE LOVE the shirt! The sweet pea wearing it is my favorite!

  12. Love the shirt, love the little girl in it more. I am just catching up on all your earlier posts, will be commenting on them slowly. Have been missing for a while, been so badly hit by Carly's death, I almost felt like not blogging anymore...but I know I couldn't stay away from all our little darlings. They are the reason why our life is so enriched and Carly is part of that world.

    Give that little model of yours a big hug and kiss from us here...and looking forward to seeing more of her

  13. Oh Miss Em, I don't think anyone can 'dis' or doubt your ability!!
    Love you sweet girl!
