
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

A RareTreat !!!

We don't go out to eat very often, so this was a very rare occasion for us. We received gift card from dear friends for our anniversary. I know they were meant for Peter and I to "get away" but we couldn't resist treating the kids too. We had an awesome time as you can tell.


Emmie going after a cold one!!

Which on is the happiest?

It's hard to tell!

OK, he's shut off after this one!

And just to top off the night there was a big family gathering at the restaurant. As they were leaving the Grandmother stopped and said, " we have a little girl with Ds too, she is thirteen years old. "

The rest of the family came over and fussed over Emmie and then I got to meet their beautiful Lauren. She was gorgeous. She had the darkest eyes I've ever seen. And gave me the sweetest smile when I told her I too loved the Jonas Brothers.

And we all agreed that we were the luckiest people in the world!

The end ...


  1. Oh, my. Just absolutely delicious. Absolutely.

  2. Mmm, Chilis sounds so good! How great that you met another family in our big DS family!

  3. Your family is beautiful! And, I agree....very lucky and blessed indeed! Hugs!

  4. What a fun night! Yay for gift cards!

  5. What a great treat! =)
    Happy Anniversary (again!)

  6. This post is an awesome treat for us readers too!

  7. What a great family night! So fun!

  8. How fun!! You can meet amazing people in the most random places. Awesome pics.

  9. Looks like you went to Chili's...I love that place, the food is pretty good and it's afforable too! Love the pictures, it looks like you all had a great time!

  10. Loved all the pictures!Looks like ya'll had a super time!!It's always wonderful to meet another family blessed by that extra chromosome :)

  11. So fun! Glad you enjoyed your night! Lucky us is so right!

  12. oh my, what great photos. I loved as a kid going out with my parents. such good times and memories for the kids.

  13. Sounds fun!! And what a topper, meeting another family with a child with Ds. That doesn't happen much but when it does I get more excited than if I were meeting a Rock Star!!
