
Monday, May 31, 2010

How Emilia Cares For Her Baby

I think Bella filmed this. I just found it on the camera. The crying baby in the background is Peter.
We were forced to buy Emmie this little doll yesterday while we were in Target. She slobbered all over it and I couldn't possibly put it back on the shelf. She actually does like it but she's too funny with her handling technique here.

Sorry it went sideways, I think Bella was trying to get a full length shot of Em.


  1. That is so funny because that is how Ella treats her babies and stuffed animals half the time. They are nothing if not consistent!!

  2. ok, the crying is hilarious! Emmie is too cute just tossing the baby to the side! haha. Marissa usually gives her toys a little kiss and then they go flying. lol :-)

  3. SO CUTE!! The Skink used to enjoy dolls just as if they were blocks or balls, but now she will rock and hug them... then throw them across the room - LOL!

  4. That is some compassion Em! Hee hee. Too cute, love Peter's impression of a crying baby. :)

  5. LOL.....that's our Em:) Gotta lover her!!! I think she just wanted to hear the "baby" cry :) And what a cry that was!!!!

  6. I don't know what is funnier, Peter crying or Em tossing the baby around. So cute, thanks for sharing.

  7. Too cute, priceless!!

    Sidenote-perhaps she's trying to prepare for her own MOTY awards....ya think?
