
Sunday, May 30, 2010

Thankful Sunday

A very thankful and blessed Sunday is upon me and my family. Some weeks the thankfulness is hard to find. Some weeks I'm looking at the small, beautiful things in my life, some weeks I sit here and struggle to find something... anything. And I always do. This week was easy.

Bella all dressed up in her First Communion dress. We had our May Crowning at school on Thursday. It's a tradition to honor Mary as the Mother of God. One of the graduating eighth grade girls, crowns a statue of Mary with flowers. One of the second grade girls hands the crown to the eighth grader. All the children in the school carry a flower and sing in their most enchanting voices. It's so beautiful. Bella was not the one handing the crown , but she did read in church and did a super job. I wish you could have seen the little one that was handing the crown over. What a face of importance she wore. And the eighth grade girl was Sarah. If you saw my Thriller post she was one of the zombies. Wish I had a picture of her too. She looked beautiful in her white dress and did a great job. I remember being at the May crowning when I was in school too. it was always something everyone looked forward to

And just to clarify, As a Catholic I must defend that in no way, shape or form do we worship statues. We just have them as reminders, like photographs of friends, of the people who went before us, paving the way as Christians. Role models. And who could possibly be a better role model or intercessor on our behalf than the Mother of God.

So I'm am very thankful for this beautiful tradition.

Now I can put this dress away for Emilia!

And speaking of Emilia Faith!!!! Yes she is sporting a not so fashionable hospital bracelet. Let me start with she is completely fine and still sleeping on this beautiful Sunday morning.

Peter has been working in the bathroom. Fixing tiles in the shower. He worked non stop yesterday. At about 7:30 last night he needed to go back to Home depot for something. I told him to wait until tomorrow but he had a momentum going and felt if he stopped he'd never start again. Well, who am I to stand in the way of progress.

When he left, Em was in Bella's room with one of the girls, or maybe alone. Which is fine. I could her her playing. Not one minute after Peter left, I hear Sophia yell at poor Andrew. " What did you give her to eat, what's that white stuff in her mouth"??

Well Andrew was innocent, he gave her nothing I was sure of that. I was in the kitchen and I figured she must have found some paper or a wipe. No big deal. Sophia was more upset than she should have been so I went to see for myself.

It looked like she had found an old bottle of milk somewhere. She had a thickish white liquid in her mouth. And she wasn't too happy with the taste. For a second I had decided it was just milk, then I remembered the bathroom. I sent Sophia to see if the door was open . Then the realization sank in , this was not milk it was ADHESIVE GROUT!!!

I immediately rinsed out her mouth and had the kids call Peter to come home. Thank goodness he had just left and was back in about a minute.

We went straight to the ER. I had no idea how much she had actually swallowed.

They were wonderful at the ER. No bad parent looks at all. No tsk, tsk for forgetting to close the door. Just helpful wonderful people. And when you bring in a possibly poisoned baby, you go to the head of the line!! YEAH!

Anyhoo, they called poison control and the ingredients in grout are not absorbed into the body. That's a good thing. Anything swallowed will be pooped out. Their only concern was that lime is one of the ingredients and can cause burning of the esophagus. After seeing her drink a bottle in no time flat they ruled that out. They also had no fear about anything aspirating into her lungs because she did not vomit or cough at all.

So I am VERY THANKFUL as is our whole family that Miss Em is fine. I'm ten years older, but Emmie is fine.

And the girls did an awesome job holding down the fort last night. The little ones were sleeping when we got home and the house was still standing. For this I am also very thankful.

And there is a beautiful family I have recently had the pleasure of meeting here in blogland. They are in the process of bringing their little boy Solomon home. In an effort to raise money for adoption fees this extraordinary family makes Solomon beads. Everything by hand. Yes!, they make the bead!! They are BEAUTIFUL!!! You all have to take a second and go see for yourselves. I have a bracelet and it's a work of art.

And to all who gave everything for our freedom, let us never forget. Let us never take it for granted. And let us always be Thankful!

Have a blessed and happy Sunday and Memorial Day!


  1. So glad to hear Emilia is all right. Nothing like taking a few years off your life to spice up a weekend. You are doing such a wonderful job of raising your chidren up in your faith, I have no doubt you will hear those beautiful words, "Well done, my good and faithful servant."

  2. Oh thank God Em is ok!! Scary! I'm sure you still look amazing ten years older! haha Bella looks amazing!!! Just like her Mama!! Great post as always bud-enjoy your weekend and your beautiful family!! xo

  3. Oh my!!! So happy to hear that Miss Em is OK! Love the ankle bracelet......let's just hope this is not the new trend!! LOL Bella is absolutely beautiful.....a true princess:) Enjoy the rest of the weekend!

    BTW, we renewed our membership to RR Zoo:)

  4. My heart almost stopped beating when I seen that bracelet on Em's foot. I'm praising our Lord that she is okay. What a beautiful thankful Sunday list as always. Hugs and love

  5. Oh Em, you almost gave us all a heart attack, your poor momma! I'm just glad she's ok and they didn't have to do anything crazy like pump her stomach, yikes, that would have been scary!

  6. oh, so glad to know everything is scary

  7. Thank you for starting the part about Em with "she is ok" AHH! We are thankful too that she is doing well and that nothing will be absorbed. Thankful that the kids knew immediately that something wasn't right and were questioning what was in her mouth.
    Hugs to you all, hope today is a peaceful day and Peter gets the tile finished without any help or interruptions :)

  8. Glad to hear that Miss Em is doing well after all that chaos she created! That's a lot to be thankful for! Hugs!!

  9. Ok, seriously, you might be making headway on me....*snickers*.

    Glad little punkin' is ok.

    You know, if you WANT the award THAT bad, I'll give it to you....ROTFL...totally kidding, sort of....

    Hope you are laughing.

  10. Oh good grief! I'm glad she's ok. I bet you are 10 years older though...yikes!!!

    Bella looks beautiful in her dress!!!

  11. Oh my glad that everyone ended up okay. I guess this is one time that I am glad that I have a child that won't put ANYTHING in her mouth!!

  12. Bella is beautiful!
    And I like you would have aged 10 years - glad she is okay!

  13. Bella is beautiful!
    And I like you would have aged 10 years - glad she is okay!

  14. Darn those home improvement mishaps! What great news that she was no worse for the bad flavor. The Skink LOVES bathrooms! She'll play happily in a toilet for HOURS! Well... maybe not hours... She'll play happily in a toilet until someone realizes she's playing in the toilet... and then she gets a bath! I'm not looking forward to the day she figures out how to work the doorknobs!
