
Monday, October 18, 2010

31 FOR 21: Blah, Blah , Blah

Yesterday was a bummer, but today was better. Thanks for all your sweet comments. I love you Guys! Not one person told me to just "suck it up", not in your comment anyway, LOL. 

This is going to be quick and cute. Emmie's  jabbering is really coming along. I think she has almost enough made up words to claim her own language. 
Today while she was eating , Peter and I were sitting at the dining room table talking. I was telling him about something and I said, "oh you know, blah blah blah", and went on with whatever I was talking about. 

Then we hear, from Miss Em, a very clear, "   blah, blah, blah"  !
It's coming! In her own time and definitely in her own way! But it's coming!


  1. Blah, blah, blah... that is HUGE! Way to go!

  2. That really is great. Our guy did the same thing. As he learned words they would be inserted gradually in the mumbly talk, then one day it was all words and no mumble. She's really getting it! Fantastic!

  3. Yeah for better days and for blah, blah, blah.

    Hope tomorrow is even brighter =)!

  4. Life is like that. Some days are better than others.

    My prayer time this morning took me to remember John the Baptiser. He lost his head on one of his bad days, but he left a good impact for people after him, nevertheless.

  5. Thank you for putting a smile on my face!

  6. how fantastic!! Marissa has been saying "mamamamamamamamama" for everything this week. I love it, but it's driving me insane. She went from having about 10 words to "mamamamamamama" It's pretty darn close to "blah, blah, blah" lol

  7. Saira is into her own language as well, wish some of that would translate into proper words...but like you said everything in their own time. I am sure one day she will surprise me with an actual word, and wow thats going to be a day to celebrate.
