
Sunday, October 17, 2010

31 for 21: Thankful?

Today was supposed to be a relaxing day with friends at the pumpkin patch. It wasn't. The friends were fine the patch was there, and that's about all that went the way it was supposed to. The day started to unravel the second I woke up, I should have known it wasn't going to get better. I'm not even going to waste my time writing or your time reading about the unfortunate events of this day. 

I'm going to find one thing to be thankful for and call it a day. And that one thing is Emmie kept her hat on long enough to get a picture. 

Good Night...


  1. Well, this sounds like a great time to remember to be thankful for the promise of a new day. Hoping yours is much, much brighter!

  2. Sorry you had a not so wonderful day, but the pictures are precious!

  3. Sorry it was a stinker of a day. I am thankful for you dear friend. Hope tomorrow is a better day for everyone.
    Em looks adorable as always.

  4. Well, if it's any consolation, that punkin hat might be cute enough to get you through a COUPLE days. Yum. Yum. Yum.

  5. You mean you didn't let her wear the bald cap all day today?? Hope tomorrow is better.
    Love, Liz

  6. You know you can't leave us hanging like that!! You know that you wouldn't waste any of our time explaining your tough day to us. We love you and take you with the good and the bad :) Anyway, Emmie looks perfect in her pumpkin hat!!

  7. Sorry to hear your day didn't go as planned. Hope things are looking better when you wake up Monday morning. But those pictures of Emmie in that beautiful orange outfit certainly makes up for anything that wasn't good. Praying you have a better week ahead.

    Sending you love and hugs from across the world

  8. We all have days like that sometimes, when things just don't go right. Today will be a better day. And your "pumpkin" was the best one there. :-)

  9. Sorry I can't figure out how to change my posting name from my "mommie" blog--the above comment is from me--Teresa G.

  10. Well, that it certainly something to be thankful for.....she looks absolutely ADORABLE in her pumpkin hat and sweater! Hope today is a better day! Love and Big Hugs!!!

  11. Emmie is adorable in her hat! =) Anna is not better about hats --HATES THEM!
    Sorry to hear your day did not go well. I pray that today things are looking brighter.

  12. Bummer... your day didn't go as planned... but I still LOVE reading your posts and seeing her darling pictures!
