
Thursday, October 7, 2010

31 for 21 : Remember Lera?

Of course you do! No one can forget this Sweetie. For anyone who is new to my blog, Lera is  an orphan, She now has a family committed to her. She lost two forever families and had aged out. It looked as though without a miracle she would spend the rest of her life in an institution. We all prayed for her and posted pleas for her, and I'm sure we all cried for her.  Jesus heard our prayers. Lera was saved by a most beautiful family.

I have never written a post like this before but I feel so compelled to do so, I just cannot ignore it. Lera's forever family still needs to raise a lot of money. And seriously this little one really just needs to get home.I feel like I need to stay involved in some way until she's home. I can't explain it, but I feel almost a responsibility to help in what ever way I can. This little girl stole my heart. And knowing she has a family who is committed to her doesn't relinquish me from my responsibilities. She still isn't home. And they still need so much money. We prayed for this family to come along for Lera and I feel like we should all follow it through. Do you know what I'm trying to say? Gosh, I hope so. 

Please drop by and see how they are doing, and if you can, please help. Every single dollar is one dollar closer. There is no such thing as a small donation. If you've stopped praying for Lera because you thought she was safe, please start praying again. Yes, she is safe but she is not HOME.

Please guys, let's rally one more time for Lera and get her home. how incredible would it be if Lera's family was fully funded by the end of October. In honor of Lera and Down syndrome Awareness Month, lets do it!!!!

And could I ask you all to add a link to her blog, maybe a few words and let's get the posts out there that Lera and her family still need our help!!! And if everyone could add her button to their sidebar?

Thank you!!!


  1. just donated to help them out - hope they can bring her home soon :)

  2. How exciting that she finally has a family. Hugs

  3. Yes remember her and think of her so very often. I have been following her new family's blog for a while, but like you said it's still far from over. We need to continue praying for her and doing whatever we can to help

  4. I just read their post last night...boy, God sure is making everyone work hard for this little girl, huh? But she is definitely worth it!!! Thanks for posting this...I may try to copy your post in the next day or so...we really need that little Angel to get here to the USA!!!

  5. My heart sinks every time I see sweet Lera's face! We all love her so much! There isn't a single day, or minute that I do not think about her! THanks so much for posting this!
    Diane is an amazing woman and she WILL GET LERA HOME!!! Lera has waited too long. Oh, and there were THREE families that tried and failed to bring Lera home!
