
Wednesday, October 6, 2010

31 for 21 : A True Fact

My very own true fact. 
And it is:  While the cat (Mommy ) is not away but actually standing right there saying, "no,no!!" the mouse will play...

and play,

and play,

and play,

and play,

and then leave, her work here is done. Time to move on to bigger and better messes.

I'm loving two!!! 


  1. That is the cutest little mouse ever!

  2. Aren't they a laugh...and try getting them listen to a "no", tell me if you have any luck with that. Emmie's definitely enjoying herself, so who's interested in listening to mom when you're having so much fun!

  3. Well, I guess we know who's boss in that house=) lol All I can say is, "that is one CUTE mess"!!!

  4. Sorry for the mess but she is just all over the cute chart!

  5. I hope you don't mind my interruption .. but I want that square "October is DS Awareness Month" button on the top of your blog.. for my blog.

    Is that possible? and if so .. where do I find the URL??


  6. "But Mom, I was looking for something very important!" SO CUTE!!!

  7. Our girls are so alike! Ruby loves to make a mess! She loves to pull every bit of clothing out of the clean clothes basket and throw them all over the room,pull all the books off the book shelf,throw all her toys out of the toy box and all over the room.I sign the word stop and say stop at the same time and she looks back at me and signs and says "OP" very demandingly :) Aren't they just the best!?!?

  8. I would hate (I mean love) to see Emilia and Anna in a room together -- they would have a ball destroying the place! =)

  9. Oh my...this brings back memories! We had MANY days like this, but thankfully they are very very rare, AND she can clean up her messes.
