
Saturday, October 16, 2010

31 for 21

Yes Miss Em is looking a little strange, let me explain the bald cap. Sophia needed one for her Halloween costume this year. She is wearing a wig, so she cut some old stockings to make a bald cap. Of course she had to try it out on Emmie. Emmie will not tolerate anything on her head. Never would. Even when she was in the NICU she had a huge bag of all the cute little hats that somehow hit the floor. HMMMM.

This lovely cap, well it stayed on all day! I kid you not. All the beautiful hats she has are sitting in her draw. The bald cap she wears proudly on her head. Go figure. 

Now the inspiration for this post came from another little dumpling who will wear all her pretty hats. Her name is LC and I just love her and her brother! If you want to see some serious cuteness that's sure to make you smile, go and check them out.
Courtney , LC's mom writes posts that will melt your heart and put you in stitches. Not to mention the photos that will take your breath away.

As part of Down syndrome Awareness month I feel everyone should be aware of this blog.  


  1. what a little stinker, but wouldnt that figure? thanks for the "new" blog address

  2. My aunt had a knitting circle that made hats for my sister, who had cancer. She had all kinds but there was one that could have fit king kong and was fuzzy brown. It looked like we were wearing a big brown afro.
    Fun memories! Thanks for sharing! LC's blog is cute!

  3. Of course she would want to wear that hat. Only makes sense to me. ;-) I love Courtney's blog too. I chuckle every time I visit them.

  4. Hey! I think you've got the cutest little conehead I've ever seen. :o) You know we have to get our naughty littles together and see if each of our blogs explodes from the cuteness of it all. :0)
    Thanks for the shout out! You're far too flattering, but we'll gladly take any acknowledgement from such an esteemed authority in all things adorable...

  5. That was the same thing with Ella and her witch hat. The first hat she would finally keep on was the darn witch hat. The good news is that she now seems a little bit more tolerant of her cute hats now!! And I am already an avid follower of LC and Jace. Awesome blog!!
