
Friday, December 31, 2010

So Long, Farewell, Auf Weidersehen, Goodbye...

Three Hundred and Sixty Five days. Why is that a life time when you're eight, but at forty something it 's just about a weekend. I remember sitting here last year kicking 2009 out the door, and here I am again all too glad to escort 2010 the same way. With a few very important exceptions:

This year although a tough one had so many moments of joy and laughter!  Miss Em continues to boost us all when we are down. We've all become so dependent on her! 

My faith has grown more than the Grinch's heart this year.

And I know why I am here. It took forty two years but I know what God wants me to do. And luckily it's the same thing He wants Peter to do!  How considerate to match us up like that. Our eyes are set on the orphans, and I'm so excited to see where we are going.

We have our health, and I don't take that lightly. I thank God that He has chosen financial difficulties for us and preserved our health. I know how lucky we are. 

I've got friends that I can't say enough about. Friends that come when you call and come even faster when you don't, because they just know you need them. Friends that you don't have to explain things to... again , they just know. Friends that are the best family I could have.

And I've got a family that never judges... just loves.

Wherever you are tonight when 2011 makes it's first appearance, whisper a prayer of thanks. Be excited about where this year will take you. May we all rise to the challenges this year will  bring to all of us, and may we see and recognize the joys and blessings that this year will undoubtedly bring to all of us.
God bless you tonight! 

Happy New Year!


  1. Many prayers of thanks will be spoken at our home tonight, you will definitely be on the list. Thankful for you dear friend. Happy New Year!

  2. It is a time of reflection, thankfulness, and gratitude for the many blessings we've received and prayers for the new year ahead. Happy New Year!

  3. Happy New Year dear friend. May 2011 be filled with even more beautiful surprises (wink) and may you grow ever closer to your Savior. I just know you're going to do great things for the orphan. Give that little princess a huge hug...she always brings a smile to my heart. Hugs and love

  4. happy new year to you. I told patti that I would like to talk to both or one of you about some ideas for raising funds for the rr children. I am excited what this year brings and look forward to some new things.have a great new year

  5. Happy New Year to you and yours Stephanie.May this new year hold all that you wish and hope for and even more.You deserve it all.Your determination and call to serve others is an inspiration and I for one cannot wait to see what God has in store for you all.

    *I only wish sweet Scrappy Quilter would stop winking ... certainly has my curiosity radar beeping.Might just have to have a word with her!!!

  6. Hello there! I just happened upon your blog and it is very inspiring. I have added you to my bloggy list!!

  7. Happy New Year! And happy for you all! ~Liz
