
Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!!



  1. HI Stephanie, I hit post comment too quickly before I finished...I love your joy for adoption, I would like you to visit one of my dear friends blog, as she too is in the process of adopting from Africa...she has recorded a cd to raise funds...such a blessing!!

  2. Oh Em, what a great way to greet to 2011!! You are such a cutie:) Hmmmm, I hope that picture was taken earlier in the evening.........or are you a night owl??!! Happy New Year, friends........hope it's a healthy one:)

  3. May this new decade bring with it everything you and your family dream for, you are so right that health is worth more than all the gold in the world and yes I too am so thankful for it. I say thanks today for my life and all the beauty I have found around me, for my daughter opening my eyes to the less fortunate children of the world especially the world of special needs, who would have ever thought that a part of my heart would belong to the world of special needs, I am so thankful for that. I hope this year helps us all find ourselves happy and at peace with what God has in store for us. I pray for your family and for sweet darling Em, that she continues to blossom the way she is and she continues to bring joy not only to you but to all of us here who are fortunate enough to get to read about her daily. Bless you my friend.

  4. Happy new Year friend. May it be the best one yet. Hugs and love

  5. Happy New year! Love Ems smile, just love it!
