
Friday, December 24, 2010

Why Just For the Next Two Days??

I don't know about you but I've been baking and cooking and preparing. Preparing for the day of all days. 


This year there is a joy in my heart that has been missing. This year is different. This year I believe God lead us down a road purposely filled with incredibly difficult things, for one reason. To bring us closer to Him. 

I guess He took a chance with us. We could have pointed an accusing finger at Him and turned our backs. How many times has that happened to Him?

My faith has grown more in this past year than in my entire life.  
I'm actually excited about where God is leading us, as a family.

With that being said, here's what kind of irks me about this time of year.  Why can we not keep this feeling all year?

Why on the 23rd of December can we be in a crowded super market, laughing at the crowds with a stranger? If it were July 23rd we'd be cursing everyone in there.

Why on Dec 24th is it OK for someone to get in front of us? We give them a gentle wave of the hand, "come on buddy, Merry Christmas".  If that happened in September, we would have a classic example of road rage. How dare that idiot get in front of me! let him wait his turn!

Why on the 25th of December does everyone remember where the church is? The following week, there is no sight of them. 

I guess it helps that the world is decorated with lights and reminders of Christmas. But after the lights and decorations are gone why do we forget? Why can't we keep that feeling? We don't have to take down the lights and decorations , that are in our hearts.

Jesus doesn't just remember us on our birthday. Imagine?  One day out of the year to turn to Jesus for all our needs? 

  Sounds kind of unfair, doesn't it?  

Here's an early New Year Resolution, and challenge. 

To keep Christmas alive all year long. To remember the joy of these two days through the upcoming  year.

From our home to yours, May God bless you all with peace and joy this Christmas.


  1. I totally agree! Merry Christmas to you and your wonderful family!

  2. AMEN and AMEN!! Merry Christmas dear friend to you and yours. May 2011 bring you ever closer to the One who you believe in. Love and hugs

  3. Merry Christmas, dear friend. I am prayng we can meet this year when we go see Olga:)

  4. Merry Christmas sweet Stephanie and family! Love this resolution, one that is worth keeping!!!
    Enjoy the family, can't wait to see them all in their Christmas PJ's!

  5. Merry Christmas my dear friend!!
