
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Full Circle

Remember my post about the big room switch last December? It was crazy, and just for kicks I went back to see what date it was. It was exactly one year ago today. You can see what I'm talking about here if you missed the chaos last year. 

Then after all that hard work came that stinkin flood that took out half my state and pretty much my whole city. You can read about that nightmare here. Anyway because of that flood we lost all of the lower level of our home. So much for all the hard work during the room switch. It all went into the garbage. We have been trying to get everything back in order ever since . We were down to just the studs and concrete floor. Everything had to be taken out

I've had misplaced kids(and parents) for almost nine months now. A baby sleeping in a pack n play and makeshift beds all over the house. It has not been easy. 

We just could not replace everything we lost. Like all the beds, the carpets. The walls! It was an overwhelming task for Peter to undertake alone. He's not big on asking for help. 

Then during the summer an angel named Rob spent day after day helping Peter get the walls in.

Then another angel named Karen took it upon herself and some "other angels",  to get us a bed and a mattress for Miss Em. 
And an Angel named Ron, put in carpets for us.

So, because of them and their amazing generosity we have come full circle, and last night everyone got to sleep where they belong. Except Andrew who still needs a bed. But that's OK, because he gets to sleep in my new bed and I get to snuggle my little man all night.   

Look who slept like a baby last night!


  1. I just finished saying in a comment on another blog how there are angels all around us. I'm so thankful you had these angels come along side you and bless you good. I love it. Hugs and love

  2. Wow - what an ordeal! I'm so happy everything is coming back together for you now. I've been there.

  3. Oh my God, I had no idea...I feel like a piece of reindeer poo!! I wish I could of helped-I'm sorry bud! What size bed are you looking for for Andrew? xo

  4. oh wow, God does provide Merry christmas to you and your family

  5. Awesome, sweet dreams provided by sweet angels. So thankful for all those who have helped you guys.

  6. Those are some AMAZING angels!! Happy to hear that things are starting to come together! Oh Miss Em, you silly little monkey!! Sleep well friends....Happy Holidays=)

  7. I remember the room switching fiasco! How nice that things are finally falling into place!

  8. That picture is worth a thousand words! Comfort and Joy to you and your small ones this season!

  9. What a blessing to have such great friends and help when you needed it most! Glad you guys are back where you belong! :) So happy for you! Love and Hugs!

  10. Just wanted to run by to say I hope you and yours have a very Merry Christmas! ~Liz

  11. Dear family
    Jak obyczaj każe stary, według przodków naszej wiary,
    pragnę złożyć Wam życzenia w dniu Bożego Narodzenia.
    Niech ta gwiazdka betlejemska, co przyświeca nam o zmroku
    doprowadzi Was do szczęścia w nadchodzącym Nowym Roku.
    Marzeń o które warto walczyć. Radości, którymi warto się dzielić,
    przyjaciół z którymi warto być i nadziei bez której nie da się żyć.
    Tego wszystkiego i wiele wiecej zycza Wam
    Michal, Jola, Tata i Babcia
    Merry Christmas!!!
