
Saturday, January 1, 2011

Are You A Prayer Warrior?

Now that it is January 1st, I don't want to see the orphans that we rallied for disappear. The Reece's Rainbow ornaments will come down, the buttons will be removed along with the chip ins. Everything packed up neatly until next year and the next Angel Tree Fundraiser. But, meanwhile there are still children waiting, and depending on us for help. 

Are you a prayer warrior? If not check out Reece's Rainbow and see which child is available. Of course you don't need permission to pray for any of the children, but to me it's a special connection.   I'm Miss Olga's prayer warrior and although she will never know how much I love her or that I'm her prayer warrior , I know and God knows.   

What all these children need is a family. Money in their account definitely helps but I think we can all agree that nothing is stronger than the power of prayer.

So pick a child! It's free, and it could be something to do for them that could really help them. And think about it. Who prays for these children? Not a whole lot of people. Even if you count all the people at RR and all of us in blogland who we know pray for these kids, that's not a huge amount of people given how many people there are in the world.  Your prayers might be one of the few going before the throne of God for a specific child. What an honor and what a way to start the New Year!


  1. We pray for every child on RR daily but, I do need to pick one to focus my prayers on. Thanks for the reminder.

  2. I count it a priviledge to be a prayer warrior for Alexander and Even. I totally agree, prayer moves mountains. Oh that everyone of those precious children would find a forever home in 2011. Hugs and love

  3. Couldn't agree more, we need to remember not to forget these children now that the Christmas excitement is over. For them life has not changed and till it does we cannot stop. Will be praying for my special little child. I know how much I want each one of them find a home in 2011.

  4. I should be more specific too. So many kids that need homes and someone to love them.

  5. Praying, praying! Olga was so heavy on my heart all day...seeing all those kids get snagged up with very small grants encouraged me that her fam will find her soon! Thank you for reminding all of us to keep storming Heaven.

  6. The Christmas ornament's may be down and packed away, but the Reece's Rainbow ornaments are now hanging on the refridgerator where they will remain for as long as we need to keep praying (and fundraising and raising awareness, etc.)

  7. I'm a prayer warrior for Celine. Even though her ornament is packed away, her beautiful smiling face is on my fridge where I see her and pray for her many times a day.
