
Monday, April 4, 2011

Had To Steal This One

Well not really steal, I saw it on FB and wanted to share it here.


  1. Loved this!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE Darius Rucker, and I especially loved how they showed the stars in the audience and many of them were pretty emotional.

  2. I posted this on FB too!! I watched it last night, and I was smiling & crying at the same time!! I am a HUGE fan of Darius Rucker.....and this moment just validated, WHY?!!! I agree with Lacia, how nice was it to show the audience members & their emotions!! LOVED IT!!!

  3. I am stealing this right now.I am a balling mess and you should have seen Miss Zoey rocking out.That just did me in.Thank you for making my day... I loved him with Hootie and the Blowfish and an even more in love now.

  4. OH geesh, kleenex warning...dang, I'm cryin' like a baby now. Beautiful.

  5. Saw this on facebook and bawled my eyes out! I don't think I've cried this hard since the daddy coming home from war! It sways me a little to Country music, which I normally hate!
