
Sunday, April 3, 2011

Thankful Sunday

OH my goodness I'm so tired!!! We just got home from 7:30 this morning! It's now 4:00pm. Bella had her States competition today(gymnastics) .She didn't place today but she did a great job.

So I quick thankful going out today before I collapse.

Of course the biggest Yippee OMGoodness Thankful is that Evan is coming home! And that the door wills now open for Kirill and Baby J. So thankful to be able to watch this miracle unfold! And the fabulous news that Fox News picked up the story about Patricia Heaton and Reece's Rainbow. Huge

Thankful Emmie has the day off from any therapies tomorrow and I can catch up on things.

Thankful that Sophia took good care of Miss Em and Andrew while we were gone all day at States.

Thankful Miss Em is picking up more sign language and simple commands. I finally figured her out. If you do the same thing over and over and over... while signing hand over hand with her she stinkin' loves it. I got her to bring me her dish and sign grapes when she wanted more, then take her dish, (with grapes in it, no spilling) back to a chair and place it down gently. I was so excited I was was screaming to Peter to come and see.

And I'm thankful that Peter got a FREE upgrade on our cell phones!! Mine has been gone for months, I broke the charger and with all the driving I do I hate being without a phone. If anything ever happened I don't know what I'd do. Just sit on the highway until someone at home noticed I was missing. HA! just getting an image of that in my head! FUNNY!!! And we got a FREE one for Olivia. Her first! oh you should have seen her face when she heard the news, PRICELESS! She is graduating eighth grade in June and this is her gift.When she's in high school and her schedule isn't as simple as it is now I want to be able to be in contact with her.

And I'm thankful for the nap I'm about to take!

Enjoy what's left of your Sunday!!


  1. And I'm thankful for you. What a wonderful list. And I'm thankful for Christie. Love ya

  2. oh i hope you really got to take a nap today!!! sounds like a crazy busy day - i did our taxes all day... fun fun! have a great week :)

  3. Such awesome thankfuls! I can just hear you yelling for Peter to come running! =) Awesome Em!!!
    Hope tomorrow is a nice, relaxing day for you and Em!

  4. Its so amazing how we parents of these special ones rejoice in all the little things...makes life that much sweeter when we don't take those things for happy your day was good!
