
Monday, August 29, 2011

Bye Bye, Irene

Just a quick post for people who are not on FB. Irene came and went. We are fine!! Not a drop of water in our basement, no trees down near us! Amazing!! It's like we were surrounded by angels keeping us safe. Lots of messes all around us but we were protected! I know it was all the prayers coming from all of you!

Now could you all pray we get our electricity back!! UGH!! We lost it yesterday morning and they are predicting we will be without til Saturday! Everything in our house is electric. 

But we are dry and I'm not complaining(much)! Things could be so much worse!

I have no internet connection at home so right now we are at the library charging our cell phones. And using their computers.

School will hopfully start on Wednesday, but without electicity I'm embarrassed at what my kids are going to look like. Wrinkled clothes and probably not too fresh smelling. Only cold showers available! LOL

Oh well in time this will be just a memory, we are safe and that's all that matters!


  1. I'm so happy you are all dry and safe. Hopefully the electricity will come on sooner than they say. Hugs and yes I believe there were angels surrounding you.

  2. Blog hopping and found you. Glad that you survived Irene. We just got s small amount of rain, nothing much

  3. so so happy you guys made it through ok. by the way - i LOVE the picture of em at the top of your blog... BEAUTIFUL!!!!

  4. so happy to hear you are safe! x

  5. glad the storm came and went without too much drama!
