
Saturday, September 3, 2011

Labor Day Blues

We are running to the beach today. I refuse to say for the last time. I'm still hopeful that we will get there again this year. School starts Tuesday after a week delay(Irene) and Emmie and I will have a month left together before she runs off to preschool :( 

I don't know why this summer is so hard for me to let go of. I think the older I get the more emotional or sentimental I get. I know I have a limited amount of time before all of my children are not under one roof. Olivia is starting high school and in a few years will be off to college.  It's out of my control. Time is moving forward. 

The other day Peter said "That's why God gave us Emilia, so she would always be with us"  I was never one who longed for an empty nest. A quiet house is impossible to live in.  It's kind of funny because when Emmie was born one of my first thoughts were, "Thank God I'll never have an empty nest now". 

Watch, she'll be the first one out! lol

Even now my two oldest "darlings" are begging to spend the day with their friends instead of coming to the beach with "us".  Already friends are the first choice...   

I  remember being the same way. When you're young you think there is always tomorrow. Family will always be there. Time is on your side when you are young.  

As you age you realize that somehow the clock ticks differently, for you. Much, much faster. It is so important to hold on to every moment for as long as you can. To treasure the time you have with family. To create memories to carry with you through life, for those inevitable times when family is not there. 

So today we will be a smaller family at the beach, we will create new memories to carry with us, and a melancholy mother will think back to older memories that I carry safely in my heart . 

I will try to accept the ending of summer, embrace all the new beginnings that are upon us, and keep up with the rapid ticking of the clock. 


  1. Thinking of you often. Hope you have a PERFECT day at the beach. Hugs

  2. Sending peace as your blue today.

    Read my last post. It might help.

    Mark always said that I sure went about it the hard why to get one to stay with me all for alway.lucky aren't we?

  3. ok,now you have made me cry, I think about this often too.

    Funny b/c I used to think the same for least I would always have him near....i had planned we would add agarage and apartment above for him to live in. now I pray he wants to live near us. Isnt it funny how our perception changes as we can see what our children WILL do?

    {{hugs}} on this blue day

  4. Hope you have a beautiful day at the beach!

  5. I cannot believe they are old enough for preschool already. We just met with our district yesterday. Hard to believe how fast they have grown.

  6. I'm always grumpy and sad at the end of summer! It's because I hate that my boys will be leaving me each day to go to school! I wish I could freeze time and keep them with me all the time! They drive me crazy most of the time.....but I must love crazy, because I can't get enough of them! :)

    I'll be thinking of you on Tuesday, as we begrudgingly send our kiddos off to school again. :(

    Big Hugs!!!

  7. I don't want Emmie to go to school! :(

    love Bella
