
Monday, September 26, 2011

Are You Walkin???

Well, Miss Em is walking! Our Buddy Walk is October 2nd! Locals come out and join us!  Or support The DSSRI by visiting Emilia's First Giving Page. 

This year we will have an Alex and Ani bangle bar! 20% of all proceeds will go to the DSSRI!!  And... a Reese's Rainbow table!

So call all your friends and save the date, we'd love you to join us!

 Em's making a few calls... watch your caller ID!!!


  1. LOVE THAT PIC!!! What a cutie! Call me Miss Em! :) We are walking here in Michigan on Oct 8.....wish we could walk together!

    Hope school goes well for Em! I just know she will do GREAT! Hugs!

  2. wish i could get on a plane and join you! xxx

  3. Em, miss Arina is waiting for your call, she wants to hang with you at the walk!
