
Saturday, September 24, 2011

Eligibility Meeting...

Well yesterday was Emmie's eligibility meeting at her new school with all the troops. It went amazingly well and Miss Em already has everyone wrapped nice and tight around her adorable little pinkie. She has already been dubbed Queen of the school and she hasn't even had her first day yet. 

All of this positive energy from the folks at school is doing wonders for my nerves. I'm actually getting excited about her first day. I think the timing is just right for Em and this is just what she needs right now in order to just keep progressing forward. She wants to be there , she enjoys the other children, and just loves all the attention. 

I think we may have just one little problem. I told them that Emmie could eat with a fork. She will occasionally switch to using her hands, but she is doing really well with utensils. I told them that I'm really proud at how neatly she has been eating during meals.

Hopefully snack time will consist of finger foods only.
Oh Miss Em...


  1. Hahaha, that picture cracked me up!!!! And of *course* she has everyone wrapped around her little finger!! She's going to be awesome at school. :-)

  2. That picture brought a much needed smile to my face this morning!!

    Em is going to just thrive and blossom in school and she will indeed, in my mind, rule the school!

    How can she be ready for school already???

  3. That picture reminds me so much of M. Brought a much needed smile to my face this morning. It's going to be so much fun reading about her school each day. Hugs

  4. That is the best picture! Love it. Oh Em they will love you anyway you come to them!

    When does she start?

  5. TEE HEE, that girl likes her some food, too cute

  6. you haven't enjoyed your food if you haven't stuck your face in it...
    LOVE it!

  7. I love it! She is so funny. We have Lindsey's meeting this week. Hopefully it goes as well. I still can't believe preschool time is already here.
