
Saturday, October 29, 2011

31 for 21: I Swear This Is The Last Time....

..I am going to ask you to do anything.But I have just recently learned that there are three families in need of help, ASAP. Please hang on for one second before you run screaming from my blog!! I know I've been like a broken record lately. Sorry I'm just passionate about orphans and doing my part to help. And unfortunately God has not blessed me with wealth so I could just hand out what is needed (dang it) But He did bless me with persistence and also the ability to put my pride aside and ask, yet again for help. Not really what I would have grabbed for myself, but there's nothing I can do about that but use it

Anyhoo,we all know the Abell's are almost ready to submit their paper work and get their first travel date to see Olga. Well here's some new and great news! A very generous person has stepped forward and for the next few days will match any donation up to 500.00 !! There's a quick way to make a thousand!!! Here is where to donate!

The next family is,  The Dirkes, they are adopting Charlotte! You might remember her as Marie from Reese's Rainbow. Listen to this!!! They are traveling this MONDAY!!! And are short 2500.00  They cannot travel without that money!! Monday!! The day after tomorrow!!! Here is where you can scatter like little mice to quickly donate! PLEASE!!!

And the third family The Plummer's who are bringing home Matthew and Barbara are still short and will be traveling in just days to take their Dumplings HOME!!!!! This has been a long haul for them. They need about 2000.00 before they travel! See a pattern forming here with these families? Think Satan might be getting his jollies or something! Read their amazing story here and also please support them !!!

Three families all adopting special little dumplings, all traveling soon, all in need of around the same amount to make it happen. I do believe Satan is challenging us. Shall we step up to the plate and show him he is messing with the wrong group of people! This is no problem for us. We will not let these sweet little ones lose there families for a couple of thousand dollars! Seriously?? let's kick some satan butt, and show him he's just a slight annoyance and no challlenge for us!

And if you made it this far God bless you!!!  I promise some Emmie time this weekend! Her party and some Halloween costumes are coming! Love you all!!And remember donating is not the only way to help! Sharing and spreading these families stories is a great way to help!!


  1. Never apologize for advocating for orphans! You know God has given you this mission. Love you my friend.

  2. I hope this isnt the last time....these kiddos need us. I know ya really didn't mean it:)
    cant wait for costumes

  3. I hope this isnt the last time....these kiddos need us. I know ya really didn't mean it:)
    cant wait for costumes
