
Friday, October 28, 2011

31 for 21: What Else Could I Possiby Say???

As I sit here in the dark early morning, there is no pretty sunrise, it's raining... still, and it's cold. I am seriously going to have the audacity, the gall, the nerve, the ka-knockas, call it what you will to ask you to think about Olga right now. As good as things are going, they need to go a little quicker. Her birthday is in January and The Abell's paper work is going to expire soon. For anyone who doesn't know, because I just recently found out, all that paper work you must submit expires. It's not good for however long the adoption takes. If it expires you have to start all over. That's not an option. We need to get this family fully funded so they can submit their papers and get a travel date. They must submit now!!! Their papers expire in NOVEMBER! IT'S' OCTOBER 28th! ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS IS STILL NEEDED . Now is the time to share, share and did I say share!!!! I know you have donated , but if you could drop a few dollars into that chip in it will make a world of difference. And pray!!!! Who knows maybe there's someone out there with a thousand extra ones they are being called to donate:)
One day without a coffee, a lunch. Eating out tonight? Don't buy a drink. Going shopping? Buy one shirt instead of two. Small little sacrifices... No, correction,  these not sacrifices because we are not suffering if we give up a drink or a shirt . They are just  kind and generous gestures to a family who needs to wrap this up and get their daughter home.  

I'm absolutely positive there are people willing to donate , but maybe they just haven't heard about The Abell's yet.  Maybe they heard about them last year and don't know their situation right now. Please share their story. One person at a time will make this happen. One person sharing this story on their blog or FB or wherever can make a difference. 

Olga's time is running out too. Just as The Abell's paper work expires her time in the orphanage does too. This is very difficult for me to think about and I have to admit that I do try to push it out of my mind. But Olga's next move depending on how fast The Abell's get to her could be the institution. It's going to be close. I'm not being dramatic and I'm not exaggerating.  I wish I was. 

Please, I'm not asking you to  do what you can, you have already done that. Thank you! 
Today I'm asking you to go beyond what you can do and raise that last $1000.00 for this little one to come home.

1 comment:

  1. They are so close! Praying for them, and Olga too! Posted on FB and, soon on my blog! She'll be home soon, I just know it!
