
Saturday, January 7, 2012

I Wish I Was a Down syndrome Kid...

I know my post title is not in people first language, but let me explain. My favorite boy in the whole world was busy playing a very important game this morning on Disney Tune Town. Andrew doesn't get a lot of time on the computer so when he is on it's all business.

I was watching him, because really, he is just adorable when he is lost in his little world of animation. 

All of a sudden out of the blue he looks up and says, " I wish I was a Down syndrome kid." 

"Really"? I replied. "Why"?

He looked up from his game for a split second and said. "Because it's fun" And then right back to battle the Cogs of Tune Town.
And that was it. Conversation over. 

I seriously love my little man!

And we are working on the people first language, we are also, at the age of eight, still trying to master the English language.  He'll get it all together in his own time. I actually think he already "gets it" and I'm just so proud of him!


  1. How sweet! I love that he already gets it. I want that for my kids too. :o)

  2. Sweet boy! So wish our 8 yr old boys & 3 yr old girls could hang out. Hmmm vacation planning guide where are you?

  3. Yes, he does already get it! Thanks for sharing!
