
Monday, January 9, 2012

A Leap Of Faith, My Heart and And a Giveaway

OK, I have to kind of make this quick because I have an issue with my shoulder/back/arm. In  a nutshell tons of pain and sitting at the computer just brings it on BIG TIME.! So here goes.

First : A leap of faith. A friend of mine named Dee is adopting a little one. She is going to be a fabulous mom to a beautiful dumpling from EE. I cannot announce who it is yet because she has not committed to her, just yet! So , yes I'm asking you all to trust me, and take a leap of faith to support Dee. The upfront costs are what she needs help with. There is so much that must come out of pocket all at once. Well anyone who has adopted knows that. All I can say is this little one really needs to get home. NOW! This is it, this is the time, Dee is the mama, and she so needs our support.

2nd: My heart. My heart almost stopped beating when I heard the news that a certain little one had a mama. And yours will too when she commits and we can announce it. The news came to me on Christmas Eve. It was an answer to a Christmas Novena being said for this particular child. 

3rd. The Giveaway!! Here it is .. A NOOK!
Not too shabby !!
Please trust me! Take a leap and support Dee. HERE!

I'm so excited about this, wish I could just blurt it all out! Soon!! Fingers crossed... soon!!

1 comment:

  1. glad to be back in the bloggin' world can't wait to find out more, exciting!
