American Boy
by Author Unknown
by Author Unknown
SON:Father, look up, and see that flag!How gracefully it flies!Those pretty stripes, they seem to Be a rainbow in the skies.
FATHER:It is your country's flag, my boy,And proudly drinks the light,O'er ocean's wave, in foreign climes,A symbol of our might.
SON:Father, what fearful noise is that,Now thundering in the clouds?Why do they, cheering, wave their hat,And rush along in crowds?
FATHER:It is the voice of cannonry,The glad shouts of the free;This is a day of memory,'Tis FREEDOM'S JUBILEE!
SON:I wish that I was now a man,I'd free my country too,And cheer as loudly as the rest;But, father, why don't you?
FATHER:I'm getting old and weak; but still My heart is big with joy;I've witnessed many a day like this,Shout you aloud, my boy!
SON:HURRAH, FOR FREEDOM'S JUBILEE, God bless our native land! And may I live to hold the boon Of freedom in my hand.
FATHER:Well done, my boy, grow up, and love The land that gave you birth,—A land where Freedom loves to dwell,—A paradise on earth.
A safe and joy filled 4th to all!!
Happy Fourth of July!!
Hope your 4th is Fabulous!
Happy 4th. Of course you can put the button on your blog. It goes till the 27th of July. Its fundraising for blankies.
Happy 4th of July. Hope you had a wonderful day.
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