Busy, Busy weekend we had. Olivia had her friends sleepover Saturday night for her birthday. Yes we are still celebrating. As you can see above it was wall to wall girls, literally! Right now I'm somewhere in between completely exhausted but not quite dead. The weather is awesome and hopefully some time soon Emilia and I will be able to enjoy some quality time together inhaling the scents of fall.
I am thankful for some leaves that decided to fall from the trees. This made Andrew happy, since that is what they are supposed to do when it's fall
I am thankful Emilia did well at both her eye doctor and audiology appointments.
I am also thankful her speech therapy is improving. Emilia is able to chew and swallow anything clumpy. She still can't manage anything smooth unless it's dipped in a cracker. She is completely off baby food and eating everything mashed.
I am very thankful for a good friend who didn't mind that I totally blew off lunch duty at school on Friday. So Sorry!
I'm thankful for the apple pie that's in my oven.
I'm eternally thankful that when I went to hang a blanket outside this morning I noticed this "little guy" who made his home right in front of, my back door. Had I opened the door I just might have swallowed him, guess he should be thankful too. He was promptly relocated by Peter. Even with a blurry picture you can see he's not very friendly looking
I'm thankful for Aniela, my sweet step- daughter who moved to LA to pursue a career in dance.
I'm thankful that she is OK, and checks in on a regular basis. I am so thankful that she has had the courage to stick it out so far from home. She has been there for a whole year. I'm thankful for the life lessons she is learning, if nothing else she will be a stronger and much wiser person when this experience is over.
I bet you're careful going out the back door now!!
So glad Emilia's appointments went well. Wish we could get our son to even go to the doctor for an eye exam now. When he was little I could carry him. Now that he is big, I can't get things done that way. He doesn't have a mean bone in his body, but when he is afraid he will lash out to protect himself, at least, that is what he perceives.
Loved seeing all the things you are thankful for! Even God's creation in the form of a not-so-friendly spider :>)
Lots to be thankful for this week! You are very blessed by your family.
What a wonderful thankful list. The picture of all those girls is priceless. Just so cute!!
First, I have to say thank you for always making me smile. Every time I see that precious angel smiling back at me, I can't help but love her.
2nd, puke in my mouth, I'd probably have had a minor heart attack if that spider was hanging in my door...enough said.
Third, that pic of all the girls sleeping is hilarious. I bet you are out of gas! Brave brave woman you are!
I think I found Jax's site via yours and have been following him since. I was too torn to leave a message on the trach or not trach post...I hope what I left her was ok. It's certainly a difficult situation.
Thanks for praying for us!!You are awesome!
Now that would be what I would call wall-to-wall girls! Wow!
I also wanted you to know that my niece found out that her little one she is carrying is DS. Pray for her, if she comes to mind. She is struggling.
Much love from Moline, Illinois (tonight). xo
As usual, you have so much to be thankful for and as usual, I love hearing about it all! (Except the apple pie part, did you really have to rub that in our face?)
I'm so thankful God introduced us sooo many years ago my sweet bud! Love you! Your the TOPS!! Em is doing fab! Just like her Mama!
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