Thanks Lacey, I was having fun reading everyone else's tagged posts, on where they got their children's names from. Now I have to write one. OK, there's nothing unusual here. Except I wanted all the girls names to end in a.
Aniela- She was named after my hubby's Mom. Peter's mom died when he was 18.
Olivia Anne- OK, she was supposed to be Sophia, but I couldn't convince Peter. I also liked the name Olivia. When I was little I watch A popular movie about Jesus. The woman who played Mary, Jesus' Mother was Olivia DeHavilland,(spelling?) I thought she was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen, and always remembered her name.Her middle, Anne, I prayed to Saint Anne( the mother of Mary) everyday when I was pregnant with Olivia.
Sophia Elizabeth- Peter owed me the name Sophia, there was no discussing it. And Elizabeth had always been a favorite of mine. Sophia means wisdom, and Sophia was named correctly. She has a lot of potential in that department.
Isabella Rose- It was getting harder to think of names by now. Especially names we agreed on. Isabella Rose just sounded beautiful, my beautiful rose.
Andrew Thomas- You would think by the time we got a boy there would be plenty of names to choose from. I threw out plenty of choices but Peter threw them all back. Seems he wanted the name to sound good in English and Polish. So after months of going back and forth it was decided upon, Andrew Thomas, I really wanted to name him Noah, but it was out of the question. I pushed for that name for months. I still want a Noah!
Emilia Faith- Also took a while to get a name for her. My hubby was stuck on Natalia. Beautiful but it didn't sit well with me. I would die if someone shortened it to Nat! Olivia suggested Emilia, one day while we were at a cook out discussing names for this baby. We all looked at each other in agreement. Emily was my Aunts name and we think Emilia was my great Grandmother's name. It was perfect. Why didn't I think of that? Done. As for her middle name Faith, do I have to explain. hehe.
So there you have it. Now for tagging others. Look out here I come!
If you see your name below,play along. If you see your name below and have already been tagged, sorry, please disregard!
Kele- from- Giles Family of 5
Keli- from- Three Girls and Tim
Tausha- from- Let Your Troubles Roll By
Jeana- from- Feisty Kaelyn
Denise- from- Sweet Ella Grace
Tina- from- My Precious Saira
Darlena- from- The Lehnick Family
Lori- from- Banana Pants
great names, I wanted Isabella Rose too, but it sounded "too Italian" with our last name lol. It is a beautiful name though. I really like the new layout and picture of Miss E.
Your kids names are all beautiful! We love naming our kids...and we have a few stored up for future little ones - Lord willing!!
What a fun game!
Love reading all these tags.Lacey got me too so I suppose I better get cracking.Nothing too exciting except for Zoey because you know ... it's all about Miss Zoey!! could always adopt a little Noah... I'm just saying!!
Your kids all have beautiful names. And you did it again... you topped your last header with another adorable photo. So fall-like. LOVE it. She's the cutest.
What a fun thing to do. What beautiful names. I love Isabella, if I were ever to of had a girl I would of used that name.
Is your hubby polish? My hubby's family is polish, so their grandfather is a Dzia Dzia.
I love the name of your kids and how you had the letter "a" at the end of their name. Just so sweet.
Oh I love reading those! This is actually a fun tag!! Isn't so funny how they just turn into their names, can you imagine Emilia being Natalia?!?! NEVER! Great pic Olivia!!
Thanks for tagging is my post
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