Music expresses feeling and thought, without language; it was below and before speech, and it is above and beyond all words. ~Robert G. Ingersoll
Emilia joined a music group! Yesterday was here first visit. Andrew and Bella came along too. It was great. We sang so many cute songs. Now I just have to learn them. We played with scarves and instruments, lots of interacting with the songs.
Emilia got her first lesson in staying put. She wasn't to thrilled to have to sit with me. She would have much more preferred to walk/crawl around and check out all the new faces.
All in all she did very good for her first time. She is the youngest one in the group and I feel this is going to be a wonderful addition to all her other therapies. We finally have everything I wanted for her. I am faithfully learning new signs. We are signing to her more and more. She has PT and speech weekly, and OT every other week. That's the only thing I wish we could increase. For now her siblings give her OT every day just by interacting with her. I am so blessed to have their help. There is always someone to play with her or get her to practice her walking.
I love this little bundle so much. For all we need to do for her, she has done so much more for us. I couldn't imagine my life without her.
As we enter this new chapter,out of Early Intervention,I REALLY need to look into a music group for Zoey too.
Having the other children is going to be Em's absolute best therapy.She is stimulated all the time.Conversation and activity,all the time.And lots of love,all the time.She will just continue to blossom!
This is great Stephanie. So happy that Em is enjoying this new activity. Music is such a wonderful form of therapy. This spring Landon will be starting his music class too......."Music Together" is the program! I cannot wait to start. At least I can get some insight through Em. Keep us posted! are such a little rockstar!
We took Sam to one a few times but there was one little girl who SCREAMED the whole time. I felt so bad for her and her Mom as I have spoken to her Mom before and they can't figure what is wrong, her daughter is only quiet when she is in her crib, really strange. Anyway, we stopped for awhile since it was upsetting Sam but hope to go back again in the summer as I know it's so good for these little ones. So glad you have one to go to.
Beautiful! Glad she enjoyed it!
Minute-by-minute smiles!
We love our music therapy... so happy she's getting it now and she's enjoying it. It emphasizes so many different therapies all wrapped up into a fun package.
The music lady comes and visits Jax when he is in the hospital. I think he loves the music, its so hard to tell with him!
What a beautiful smile! I wil have to log music therapy away in my brain for later. And sibling OT can be way intense!
We sing EVERYWHERE! Music is a wonderful therapy for all of us!
Oh her smiles are so precious and contagious! Who couldn't be happy with her around???
Lindsey Petersen
I feel Saira enjoys music, sometimes I worry if she can really hear it too well, but then when I see her face I am pretty sure she does.
It's so fantastic that you are doing this with Emmie, and with all her other therapies she really has a busy busy schedule, which is actually great for her development.
Stephanie, Thank you so much. My husband thanks you as well. I really hope I can pay forward just a fraction of the kindness people have shown me and my family. This brings particular comfort as the Blessed Mother has carried me through many an anxious moment. God bless you and your family.
We attend music class once and a while too! Justin isn't too interested until they FINALLY pull out the noise makers! So fun!
I love toddler music classes! I am glad you found one for Emmie and that she enjoys it! She will get so much out of it =)
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