We went to the playground yesterday. Emmie had a blast. Can anyone guess her favorite thing to do??
Was it sitting way up high and making mommy crazy?
Was it playing with her buddy?
Nope, but this is always pretty fun.
ABSOLUTELY!!!!!!!!! There's nothing better than a good roll in the mulch. At least for Em...
mulch is always the best!!! haha.
It's a sensory thing, bet she likes sand too. Mulch and sand are favorites of John too, that and the swings.
too funny, that would figure :)
So cute~ Nothing like a mouthful of mulch ;-)
What a cute post and such great pictures! You are a silly girl Em!!! Have fun sweet girl! Hugs!!!
Hahaha, cute!! Good that she likes different textures. Samantha didn't like to experiment with textures much. And I was always right there to wipe her off, so then she became a bit of a neat freak if she ever gets anything on her. LOL
Oh Em, you are such a cutie!! LOVED this video!! Well, it does keep the grocery bill LOW!! lol
We love mulch too Em! It is so yummy! Alayna just has to try it! And she is sneaky like you she waits until I am not looking then quickly tosses a few morsels in...
I am sure it is great for the digestive system with all that fiber! LOL
Have a great weekend!
OH, I loved looking at that video. She is so excited to play in the dirt!! And how funny is this...I was watching and thinking "WOW, I can't believe she isn't putting that in her mouth". No sooner did I think that...and..she put it in her mouth. And I don't know if I ever answered you but, yes, I did get your pics of Emmie. I just picked them up from Costco last night and both of my girls asked me if they could have copies of the one of Emmie with the flower halo!!
Nothing better than mulch baby! Except our buddies maybe!
That mulch is always so much better than the swings.
Seriously, that video was just HI-larious. Mulch IS a girls' bestfriend, I always say! :)
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