
Sunday, November 29, 2009

DSSRI Christmas Party/ Thankful Sunday

Today the DSSRI had their Christmas party.What a really nice day it was. So many cuties and goodies, crafts, music and of course Santa and Mrs. Clause.

So today I am thankful for this great party. A day to just enjoy the company of families who are all so happy and thankful for their own little miracles.

I'm thankful for a woman who we meet on the Buddy Walk and recognized Emilia, she told me there is a photo of her on the DSSRI website. I have to go check it out, I had no idea.

I'm super thankful Aniela will be here for Christmas! I can't wait to see here. We all miss her so much. Any one who doesn't know, Aniela is my beautiful step- daughter who moved to California last year.

I'm thankful for cameras that allow us to capture memories. One of my most favorite things to do is sit and look through all my photo albums.

I'm thankful the Christmas season is upon us. I'm thankful I was raised by a mother and family that taught me the true meaning of Christmas. It's a blessing to understand and embrace the true meaning. I think all to often and all to many people allow the season to come and go and never even think what it is all about. Does the name Jesus even cross their minds as they rush around like crazy nuts looking for another video game, or ipod, or whatever else their child is expecting?

So I am thankful for my faith. Where in the world would I be without it! Especially in these tough times. Faith is what gets me through each day. The constant thought that everything and anything is possible , as long as you have faith.

And by the way I just went to the dssri website and there are three photos of Emmie in her stroller!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Tis' The Season

It is officially declared the Christmas season in our home. It starts Thanksgiving night, with the watching of It's a Wonderful Life. We leave the turkey and fixings on the stove and munch through out the movie. I can seriously watch this movie every day whether it's Christmas or not. When I got married and moved out my mom said the only thing she was not going to miss was being forced to watch that movie a hundred times during Christmas!
I can recite every line. It drives Bella crazy and she asked me NOT to do that anymore. Go figure!

Friday we got our tree from the Christmas tree farm. We always manage to find one the exact height and size to fit in our sun room. It's always perfect.

almost finished

This is also when we attempt our Christmas card picture.I have long since abandoned the thought of getting the perfect picture with the perfect outfit. Not with this bunch. Now it's a success if everyone is kind of smiling and looking in the right direction.

oops, someone is missing!

The kids are also allowed to watch TV more, as long as it's a Christmas show, or of course, It's a Wonderful Life.
We have so much in common with poor George and Mary this year. Last night I told Peter to go stand on a bridge like he was going to jump... maybe we would get a Clarance too.
I was only kidding!!!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Happy Fourty What?

Today is Peter's birthday!!!!! Happy birthday to the guy who puts up with me! Why I will never know. You're everything I'm not! Patient, optimistic, spontaneous.

You really are a super hubby! This guy will never get upset if the house is a mess. Peter has never once ever complained about anything I have served for dinner. In the early years, there was a lot to complain about! He even loves leftovers!

Peter will take the kids to the park or on bike rides just because he wants to. I know fathers who would never venture out alone with there kids. He changes diapers and makes bottles and will rearrange his whole day to give the girls a ride to ballet or gymnastics... and think nothing of it.

I love you !!! We all do!!! And I know at times it seems that we all take your easy going nature for granted... trust me , we don't!

Enjoy your day!!!!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Give Thanks for...

Give thanks today for the little things. For friends and family. For the grace God so generously pours down on us.
Give thanks for the path you are on in life. It is the path hand picked by God, just for you.
Give thanks for the trials in life , they will only make you stronger.
Give thanks for the days filled with peace and joy, it is only because of the hard days that you have learned to appreciate them.

Wishing you all a very Blessed and Happy Thanksgiving, from our home to yours!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Look No Hands!

OK, her back is up against the chair but she thinks she's standing all by herself. This was worth taking a break from Thanksgiving cooking, and definitely warranted a quick post.
Well, back to the kitchen for me!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

This Cannot Wait!

I had another post in mind for today but it can wait. What cannot wait is the Orphan! Two of my dearest bloggy buddies are speaking up on a serious new development. Linny has posted about a new practice in Canada that is rejecting any Visas from children being adopted from Africa! There are actually families stranded in Africa because they cannot bring their newly adopted child back home! This is outrageous!
My friend Carol is also speaking up and praying hard for a resolution to this unbelievable act.
Please read Linny's post and say a prayer, or a few prayers that Canada removes this ridiculous law, and also that no other countries follow.

The government and the cost of adoption is a big enough hurdle to try to overcome, but possible. Not being able to obtain a visa for your child will make adoption impossible.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Happy Birthday Andrew!!!

OH the day has finally arrived, my sweet little man is six years old! Six years of adjusting to having a little boy. The one and only boy among five girls.
Wow are you different than the girls! You play differently. No dolls for you! Unless you are running them over with your trains. You eat differently. You never stop, your always looking for something, you always have a "grumbling in your tummy" Andrew you are a delight. You make us laugh, you drive your sisters crazy, and you are a constant protector to Emilia. What more could we ask for from our only son.
You make Mama so happy when you ask to be snuggled, and when you just randomly tell me you love me and that I am the best mama you "never" had. I can't correct that I think it's too

You get insanely excited over the simplest things
, you would rather go to school on the week ends, you get completely lost while playing with your trains. One of my most favorite things to do is listen to you playing when you are by yourself. You make the cutest voices for all your trains . When you sing the song ( when you think no one is around) " Here I am to worship, here I am to bow down... you bring tears to my eyes.

Tonight we will have Andrew's birthday dinner, whatever he wants. Cake and presents. His birthday with his friends is still in the making.

Andrew, have a wonderful birthday. You're the best son I "never" had!
Love you more, Mommy

Friday, November 20, 2009

Thursday, November 19, 2009

New Updates and Other Things

OK, here are a few updates.
Remember like in may or June I posted about a room switch. At the time I thought it would be a fun Summer project. Was I crazy? It never happened. Well now I'm actually in the process of starting the big switch! Yeah, a week before Thanksgiving. Why not we don't eat in the bedrooms.

We can't even walk in this one. What a flippin' nightmare!!!! But look at how pretty the walls look. Not the Sunshine yellow, that's going! The celery green is staying. This is going to be our room (me and Peter) and Emilia. All this stuff in the middle , well I can tell you where I'd like to put it (lol) the girls will have to sort out what they can't live without, and the rest is outta here. That horse is going.
it's a slow and painful process but at least it's begun.

Emilia had her appointment with Dr. Pueschel, her specialist. He was blown away. Not an easy feat mind you. Dr. P has been around a long time and seen a lot! He asked me if she was pulling to stand, and before I could answer he said, "she's not doing that yet, is she"? I was so excited that I was able to answer yes! He was so impressed with her strength. And she is cruising!!! He was so surprised at that. It was a great visit as always. Dr. P is just wonderful. I love how he always refers to children with Ds as "our children". He is such a blessing.

And after 13 months we finally joined the DSSRI. And just in the nick of time. On Nov 29th they are having their Christmas party! YIPPEE! Now hopefully I can meet other families and Emmie can make friends too. And I really want to be a part of it all. They must need volunteers for something.

And on Saturday my very, very good and dear friend and Godmother to Bella, KAREN is having her 50th BIRTHDAY party! She's cheating though, she won't be 50 until December. I am really looking forward to that. Lots of fun! Feel free to leave a comment... you lurker! Love you!

And couldn't forget the boy! Andrew is turning 6 on Sunday!!! And for all of you who left some really great suggestions, I think I figured out how to have a party in my house, my very small house, without the use of my yard due to cold November temps. Since I probably won't have his party until December because our weekends are all booked up, I thought I would have a Polar Express Pajama Party. We'll watch the movie have hot chocolate and do a Christmas craft. I'd like to find a bell like the one in the movie as a favor. Andrew has one and I don't know where it came from. Get this, my friend has one from no other than Chris Van Allsberg himself. He lives in RI and his daughter used to dance at Festival Ballet where my girls go and somehow my friend got one(bell). She is a teacher there, so maybe that has something to do with it. Very cool! She showed it to me last Christmas Eve, and yes I could hear it!!!

I feel like I'm babbling out of control so I'll end it here. There are some children that need tending to.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

. . Now what do I do

The girl went nuts on this orange. She was very cautious at first, just touching it with her tongue. But once she figured out if she bit a little the juice would squirt in her mouth she was having a ball!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

A Christmas Poem

I'm getting into the mood!!!
My good friend e-mailed this to me. I thought I would share. Makes you think if nothing else. And that's not a bad thing!

Twas the month before Christmas*
> *When all through our land,*
> *Not a Christian was praying*
> *Nor taking a stand.*
> *See the PC Police had taken away,*
> *The reason for Christmas - no one could say.*
> *The children were told by their schools not to sing,*
> *About Shepherds and Wise Men and Angels and things.*
> *It might hurt people's feelings, the teachers would say*
> * December 25th is just a ' Holiday '.*
> *Yet the shoppers were ready with cash, checks and credit*
> *Pushing folks down to the floor just to get it!*
> *CDs from Madonna, an X BOX, an I-pod*
> *Something was changing, something quite odd! *
> *Retailers promoted Ramadan and Kwanzaa*
> *In hopes to sell books by Franken & Fonda.*
> *As Targets were hanging their trees upside down*
> * At Lowe's the word Christmas - was no where to be found.*
> *At K-Mart and Staples and Penny's and Sears*
> *You won't hear the word Christmas; it won't touch your ears.*
> *Inclusive, sensitive, Di-ver-si-ty*
> *Are words that were used to intimidate me.*
> *Now Daschle, Now Darden, Now Sharpton, Wolf Blitzen*
> *On Boxer, on Rather, on Kerry, on Clinton !*
> *At the top of the Senate, there arose such a clatter*
> *To eliminate Jesus, in all public matter.*
> *And we spoke not a word, as they took away our faith*
> * Forbidden to speak of salvation and grace*
> *The true Gift of Christmas was exchanged and discarded*
> *The reason for the season, stopped before it started.*
> *So as you celebrate 'Winter Break' under your 'Dream Tree'*
> *Sipping your Starbucks, listen to me.*
> *Choose your words carefully, choose what you say*
> not Happy Holiday !*
> Please, all Christians join together and
> wish everyone you meet during the
> holidays a

Monday, November 16, 2009

I Think This Dad's Got It

Jennifer over at Three's a Charm posted an article today that really hit me. In a good way.
It's an article written by a dad who has a 36 year old daughter with Ds. His name is Rick Dills. I love his way of thinking and attitude. I've been stressing over what school will be like for Em, where will she go. Will she go to a "regular school" or a special one. Will she be happy. I mean everything is so easy with her now. But as she gets older I do realize that will change. Her needs will change and I know people who Ooh and Ahhh over her now might shun her in a few years. How will I handle that? Probably like a wild bear but that's another post. Anyway here's a bit of the article...

My observation is that satisfactory adult outcomes do not correlate with how hard you have pushed your child, but rather on how you have taught them to be proud of who they are. Setting the bar too high prepares both parents and the child for failure.

Now go read the whole thing at Jenn's

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Thankful Sunday

OK, as of last night I swore I wasn't posting today. I'm in a slump to put it plainly. If I sound whiny ... sorry. We're all entitled to our moments and this is mine! That said, I realized that I'm still thankful for things in my life. They don't have to be giant things all the time. Hey, I had a friend thankful for rubber bands the other day! And ya know, seriously they are a great convenience!

I'm thankful for friends both far and near. Friends I see face to face and friends I've never laid my eyes on, but love dearly. Friends who just "get it". Thank you, you know who you are!

I'm thankful for the ability to apologize. I owe Olivia one, when she gets up. Dropped the ball on any and all mothering skills I have last night. I love you Livy and I'm so sorry last night went the way it did.

I'm thankful Bella and Sophia made it through their first gymnastics meet of the season. They did great, Bella qualified for States with a 33 , and Sophia blew me away with her skills and beauty. She was so close to qualifying, she'll get it next time for sure. She is in a higher level this year, and it's tough!! Scores needed to qualify are a 32, they just add up your score on all events. Floor, bars , beam and vault. Sophia had a 31.5 I think. So close!

And in a way, and this may sound contradictory, but in a way I am thankful for our struggles. Because of them I am a stronger person. I'm more compassionate , I can adapt to situations easily. I can live without a lot and not miss it. I don't miss out on the little things. I take nothing for granted. I judge no one by their appearance or state in life. Of course enough money to pay the bills and have something left over would be delightful, but our struggles are not in vain. There have been lessons learned.

Have a happy and blessed Sunday!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Kristens Button!!

Notice my new button! Kristen has a beautiful new button, compliments of Feisty Kaelyn's Daddy! What a guy. Head on over to Kristen's to grab yours!
With all of our prayers, we can help her win this battle for a fourth and FINAL time.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Some Words This Wednesday

This is what I mean when I say Emmie is a little fickle when it comes to toys. She would much rather just toss the toys ....

..and chew on the basket. In fact wicker has now become her new obsession.

HAPPY VETERANS DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you to all who have served our great country. Thank you for protecting us. God Bless You!!!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

My Dolly!

I dug this doll out of the toy chest. Emmie is very fickle about toys. It's hard to find something that she is interested in. I figured all little girls love to play with dolls....HMMMMMM

Well, Miss Em is showing some of her care taking abilities. Notice how she is ever so gently holding the dolls hand.

And here she has one hand behind the dolls head and is actually caressing her hand. What a good mommy.

And last but not least, a gentle kiss to the dolls head. Sounds good, but I think Emmie was just trying to figure out how to take a good bite out of this poor dolls head. we'll just have to keep practicing.... "do nice".

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Thankful Sunday

I missed my thankful post last Sunday. I don't remember why. well it's an incredible Sunday morning. Temps are already at 50 degrees and it promises to get up to the high 60's.

Today I am thankful for:

The health of my children and others that have had the H1N1 over the past few weeks. Everyone has recovered. We had over fifty kids out of school one day. There are only about 200 in all.

I'm very thankful that Emilia scored a H1N1 vaccine at the doctors on Friday. They just happened to get delivered the night before. Talk about lucky.

I'm amazed and thankful for all the great suggestions I received after my post pleading for help with Andrew's birthday party. I will definitely be able to use many of them! You guys are great!

And here's the BIG one. I really want to adopt, but at this moment because of our finances we would never qualify. I was talking to Peter about this, on and off. I was telling him how I feel a responsibility to save one of these sweet babies. I want a baby with ds. I feel that with the birth of Em it just solidified my feelings about adoption and her having ds just showed me where I needed to look. I never really felt Peter was on board. He kind of "yesed" me a lot.
But yesterday he brought up the subject of adoption on his own, and admitted that he thought we should definitely adopt a child with Ds. He was blown away when I told him what happens to these little ones if they are not adopted and I showed him Reese's Rainbow.
I am so thankful that we are both on the same road about this, it's the hand of God in motion for sure. I don't know if we will ever actually be able to make this happen, the road ahead of us is more than bumpy. But I'll die trying. We both will and that's what makes me so thankful, it's not just my silent dream anymore. It's our big loud make this happen dream!

A note to sweet Denise. You have no idea what your comment meant to me from my last post about Andrew's party. I do believe that God has used you as an instrument to give me a message to continue on with our dream. I was in church last night praying that if God really wants this for us then, we need to get out of this financial mess we're in. Your comment was amazing! And you had no idea we were even thinking about adoption! I just sat there in stunned silence. I seriously couldn't believe what you wrote. I wish I could just give you a huge hug!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Party Ideas Anyone?

Last years party.

OK, here's my dilemma. It's Andrews sixth birthday on the 22nd of this month. He hasn't had a "real" party yet. Last year we invited our close friends over so the house filled up with kids , but I have yet to have one with kids from school. The problem? One, a very small house. Two, not a lot of experience with little boys parties. And three... no funds to spare on anyone for hire. So what do I do?
I know I can only invite a few children from school. I mean between my own bunch and some from school we'll be bursting at the seems. And, another issue is that this will have to be an indoor party. I'm sure it will be too cold for any outdoor activities.
It's not the end of the world, but I'd like Andrew to have a nice party and for his guests to have fun.So, if anyone out there has any suggestions, I'd love to hear them.
There will be boys and girls invited. Any ideas on a craft or activity? I'll appreciate anything!!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Prayers For Kristen!!!

This is not going to be an eloquent post. I'm freakin mad. I'm mad at something no one can touch or predict or control, you can't hear or see it coming. The devil's disease, CANCER. There is the sweetest girl, her name is Kristen, I've been following her since before I started my blog.
She has bravely fought and beaten the crap out of cancer three times. It looks like the monster could be back for a fourth time!
I'm disgusted, And when I don't know what else to do to help some one, when I feel completely helpless, I turn to you all for prayers. I've had requests for prayers for others in the past, and now I'm asking again, to please pray for Kristen and her family. If you know her then you know what a sweetie she is, if you don't know her please go to visit her. You'll fall in love.
Please send her your prayers. I can't believe they are dealing with this for the fourth time. It's unreal!!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

Little Miss Magic, figured out how to squirm out of her straps. She really thinks she's something else. All the time she was doing this I was standing right there, saying NO, NO Emmie! Boo, Boos. Yeah, ya think I'm in trouble?

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Venting ... Enter At Your Own Risk!

This post has been coming for a long time. It's something I have to write about but just didn't want to. It's the treatment we received or more like the lack of treatment received when the kids were sick with the flu.
This is going to be long. I'll start at the very beginning, see I didn't post any of this nonsense with my updates because at the time I was just concentrating on getting them better. OK here it comes.

Sunday, Oct 25th. Emmie gets up from her nap with a fever.I give her Tylenol and we get through the day. Nothing got me worried. My kids usually get fevers, it passes and nothing comes of it. She had her one year check up the next day, so I was confident that if this progressed into anything it would be caught.

Monday, Oct 26th. I go to wake up Olivia for school. She is very sick. High fever and body aches, head ache. The flu for sure. I asked her why she didn't come and wake me during the night. Her answer... I couldn't move. Now I'm getting concerned. I give Olivia medicine and thank God again that Em just happens to have an appointment today. I get the rest of the kids up and ready for school. Meanwhile I call Em's doctor to give them a heads up, I'm probably coming in with a baby who has the flu. I didn't know if they had a back door or other procedure to follow. The receptionist told me that someone would be downstairs and when it was my appointment time they would call for us and then we could go right up.When I got there for Em's appointment there was NO ONE downstairs. They did have a make shift waiting area set up but not a sole in sight. So I went upstairs. My eyes must have hit the wall across from me. There was wall to wall kids wearing lovely masks... all coughing their brains out! Welcome to Hell. This is where we sat for over an hour waiting to be seen. I'm thinking at this point if Em didn't walk in here with it she is walking out of here with it for sure, and the best part, because they new she had a fever she wasn't considered one of the healthy ones. The healthy little babes that came in were ushered into an examination room immediately. Finally they called her name. What happened next is the beginning of this fiasco. Her doctor walks in. I explain all her symptoms, and explain very clearly that Olivia is home with every symptom of the flu. He takes about 10 seconds to come to the conclusion that Em does not have the flu, but just some random virus. WHAT! Did I not speak English when I said Olivia was completely out of it at home? And what was not working in my favor was I had given Em Tylenol before we left so of course she wasn't looking too bad. OK, I'm thinking, he's the doctor, he must know. So for the moment I took his word , packed up Emilia and went home feeling relieved that it wasn't the flu.

Tuesday, Oct 27th. In the very early hours of Tuesday morning Andrew woke up with a fever. Ok, I thought, this "virus" is just going to go through all of them. By this time Em's fever was gone, it lasted only about 36 hours. She wasn't quite herself but she was much better. Her symptoms were behaving in the way a virus would.Olivia was still sick but had gotten up to eat and lay on the couch. There was an improvement but she was hanging on to the fever.
Back to Andrew. We treated him the same way, with Tylenol. Bella and Sophia so far were fine. Tuesday night at around 7:00pm Andrew started to get worse. Peter had taken the girls to gymnastics and then went to the office, Olivia was resting, and the baby was playing. Andrew although he was on Tylenol like the rest started to get really hot. I'm now doubting my Ped's diagnosis of just a virus. I went online to see what the symptoms of the H1N1 were. Nothing out of the ordinary, basically the same as the regular flu. Then I scroll down and see the symptoms of the H1N1 to watch for. It's an Emergency when:
1. The child runs a higher than normal fever...CHECK
2. When the child is dizzy... CHECK
3. When the child has trouble breathing... CHECK
4. When the child doesn't want to be held or comforted...CHECK
I had just asked Andrew if he wanted me to snuggle him, he was quite clear he did not! He told me he was dizzy and was having trouble breathing. I immediately called Peter and told him to get the girls and come home because we need to take him to the ER. We left the girls home, and took separate cars to the ER, in case they needed one of us at home. Peter took Andrew with him and I was just hysterical the whole way. Crying and praying, begging God to let Andrew be OK. We had just had two little girls die from this flu in our state and that's all I could think of.

As soon as they saw him at the ER, they took a flu test. This is where my mind started thinking. I'm thinking, why didn't Em's doctor do a flu test on her? Don't they have them? It was done pretty fast and easily here. What's up with that?

Meanwhile his test comes back positive for the Influenza A... basically they calling it the swine , because it's not flu season yet. My next words to the doctor took him by surprise..." so how do we get our hands on some Tamiflu"? You should have seen his face. Like I just knocked the wind out of him. His reply, knocked the wind out of me. He said " We got strict orders from above not to hand it out unless you are pregnant or have other exsisting health conditions, it's basically being rationed" WHAT DID HE JUST SAY!!!!!!!!! My son is siting here, barely sitting here and I'm not getting Tamiflu for him!!!!! Are you kidding!!! I'm about to completely loose it and I'm getting ready to tell him we have a baby with special needs at home, so we must have it, when he listens to Andrews chest and says that he hears a wheeze and would like us to go to the Children's Hospital (we went at the local ER, not the hospital). He thinks Andrew might have pneumonia. Their ex-ray shut down at 9:oo pm and it was nearly 10:00. I said no way, if we go there now we are going to be sitting in the flu infested waiting room until the sun comes up. It would be just as easy to come back here in the morning for the ex-rays. He insisted we go, and we held our ground, it was not the best for Andrew to go there . Finally, he respected our decision and wrote in his chart that he would be back in the morning for the ex-rays. As he was looking in Andrews chart he noticed he was seen in September for trouble breathing and a wheeze. You might remember that post titled The Fastest Pibble Popper. Anyway the doctor looks at me and says," Andrew has Asthma". No he does not, I reply. Yes he does it says in his chart that he was seen for a wheeze. A wheeze yes, but not Asthma I insist. The doctor looks at me and says, " If Andrew has Asthma I can prescribe Tamiflu".
There goes the light bulb. Gotcha doc! If you need to say Andrew has asthma to get him some Tamiflu then by all means , give that boy some asthma.
As I say a prayer of thanksgiving for this compassionate doctor who I am guessing wanted us to go to the hospital because he knew Andrew had pneumonia but without the proof from the ex-ray couldn't use that as a reason to prescribe Tamiflu, my mind can't help but wonder why "they" are literally tying the hands of doctors. Why can Tamiflu not be given to children who have the flu? Is there a shortage? Were they unprepared for the vast numbers getting the flu? I don't think so.
Thursday Oct 29th, Emilia and Andrew are seen at their own Pediatrician for a re-check. Peter and I both go. There are some questions that need to be addressed.
Question number one. Do you have flu tests here at the office? The answer, "Yes".Question number two, why wasn't Emilia tested for the flu on Monday. We don't know if she had it or not. If she did then Tamiflu could have been given to her and Olivia. Maybe Andrew would have been spared. My ped's intelligent well thought out answer to this question, " If I tested every runny nose that came in here, I would be out of tests in a week". Well that answer made my day and also made up my mind to get a new ped!!!!
Which brings me to this question, What the Hell is going on in RI. Is this corrupt little state rationing Tamiflu... the Liquid Gold. And why? The schools are empty, children are dying and still they don't want to hand out what will help. Something Stinks!!!!
No one has the vaccine either. The schools are getting it, but our school is scheduled to receive it on Dec 2nd. A little late if you ask me.
I've been livid about this all week The more I think about it the madder I get. Let me tell you, I have two girls who didn't get sick. I'm praying they don't, but if they do, you can bet they will be tested and they will get Tamiflu. I'm ready for a fight if it comes to that.
A twelve year old girl from RI was laid to rest on Halloween. She should have been getting ready to go trick or treating. What are her parents left with. Their doctor told them to treat her symptoms at home. Tylenol and liquids. Where was the tamiflu that could have saved her life. Her parents listened to the doctor, trusted him and their daughter is dead.
I'll be damned if I'll become a bobble head that takes the word of a doctor about this flu. There is a cover up and our ped got a little uncomfortable with the questions we were asking him.
I'd like to know if anyone else is experiencing any thing like this. Please comment. This is an outrage, they have medicine but with hold it.
That doctor in the ER that gave Andrew the Tamiflu put himself in the line of fire with his supervisors, I'm sure of that. I will always be grateful for what he did. It should not be that way!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Thank You!

November already! Can it be? We were just at the beach. Time is running at top speed. Blink and you will miss something. That's how I feel. Emmie is over a year old, still in shock about that. She is doing well, I wish you could hear the laugh in the picture above.

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who came by and read my posts for 31 for 21. Thanks for taking the time and finding an interest in our journey. I do at times feel like we are all part of a secret club. Don't laugh , but sort of like the early Christians. They were happy to live together sharing everything in the name of Jesus. So much so that they attracted attention from others. They looked on in disbelief at how anyone could be happy in a situation like that.Praising a God they couldn't see. Giving freely to each other and expecting no payment. It was ridiculous to most. But somehow it was attractive. People were curious and wanted to know more. They wanted in on that happiness.
We have that happiness, most people look at us and have pity or confusion as to why we are happy.Why we praise Jesus for these children who in there eyes are damaged. How can we be so happy?

I am sure that this month peoples hearts were softened and eyes were opened, and minds were changed. I don't know who read my posts or anyone elses , but I can feel in my heart that there are more members to our club. The secret is spreading. It is spreading through our voices and through our actions.

Thank you, to everyone who wrote, who commented , who laughed and who cried, who followed along silently with us this month. Thank you to everyone who took the time to educate yourself and others. Thank you for spreading the word, and for loving our children.