Monday, May 3, 2010

So Glad It's Monday!!

just a cute picture of Em from when we went out to eat, I just noticed it.

I never thought I would be happy to see Monday roll along. This past week has been , beyond a doubt the busiest week of our lives thus far. All week the girls had rehearsals for Cinderella. The ballet company which is attached to the ballet school they attend uses some of the students in their shows. Great experience but exhausting.

Then we had Em's therapies all week, mixed in with a couple of doctor appointments. Saturday was Bella's first Communion and Sunday brought another First Communion for Jordan, who is Bella's Godparents daughter, a birthday party, and a ballet. I went to the show on Sunday to see the girls. They were great! Olivia was part of the clock and Sophia was fire! This was not your typical Cinderella. LOL
Here are Olivia and her friend Olivia. In costume for the "Clock"!

As soon as they were off stage we ran to Miss Jordan's First Communion party. It was beautiful!! As was Jordan.

love the flippies!!! And I know Jordan's mom would want me to specify that she did not wear the flippies in church!!!

Sunday night was homework and cleaning up . Then as soon as I was making my escape to dreamland... someone found Mama Mia on TV. Had to watch it.

It was a great week filled with fun things but I'm glad it's over. Emilia had a blast , she loves a good party!

Back to the typical every day routine. School, ballet, gymnastics , t ball, OT, PT, ST, Music class, ....OH heck, I'll rest when I'm dead!!


Scrappy quilter said...

Look at that last picture. What a little princess. She gets cuter by the day. Now girlfriend, you need to find some special time in there somewhere just for you, please. Hugs and love

Kelly said...

LOL.......won't we all:) It's not bad when a busy week is filled with lots of good stuff!! We'll take them when we can.

Rochelle said...

WOW thanks Steph, I lost 2 pounds just reading about your week. You guys were crazy busy!

Hope this week is a little slower (at least enough to catch your breath and enjoy the craziness!)

The VW's said...

This time of year always seems to be crazy! I can certainly relate!

I love that last picture of Em! ADORABLE!!! Hugs!!

my family said...

I usually crash once I sit down at night.
Precious little princess, sweet pictures of Em

Anonymous said...

So cute! Good to be has been overwhelming! :) Thanks for keeping up...good to hear from you! :)

mandd3 said...

"My life will NOT be a journey to my grave where I arrive demurely in an attractive and well preserved body. I plan to SKID IN SIDEWAYS, my body totally used up, worn out! Chocolate in one hand, glass of wine in the other, hollering *WOO HOO! What a RIDE

Heather said...

Love that quote from Tomas' mom!!!

Your weekend looked as if it was all it should be,filled with love and laughter,beauty and God's amazing hand covering you all!

To Love Endlessly said...

all those pictures are great, but Em takes the cake in that last shot! She just looks like the life of the party there. LOVE IT!

Runningmama said...

I don't know how you managed all of that without a stunt double! Such cute pictures!

Tina said...

Busy busy, I know that feeling...but ALL Happy things, which makes it all worth it.

We are off on vacation on friday and I have been going crazy getting myself organised here. But the next three weeks will allow me to do alot of blogging...

I love Emmie in her pretty party dress, she seems like she is having such a blast! Btw try and get some "you" time no matter how much fun you are having doing everything for everyone else. I know I know easier said than done, I don't get any "me" time till about 10 p.m. by which time I'm in no state for "me" time!!!

Lori said...

April and May always seem to be busy busy busy. I told my husband that I am not going to feel one bit guilty when I go away with my girlfriends over Memorial Weekend. I need a break.
Make sure you are getting your break, too!

Amy Flege said...

that last picture is sooo darn cute!!!