I am at a loss for words. I have just found out that one of the best families I have ever met, is in dire need of prayers. If you have not met them yet please drop by and see for yourself how wonderful they are. Here is the link to Linny and her family.
For the last eighteen months they have been in the process of adopting a beautiful little girl named Jubilee from another country. It has been along and frustrating journey. Today Linny found out that this country or rather the "delightful" government has decided to renege on the adoption agreement or process. The reason... it has taken the family too long to gather all the needed paperwork! Linny wrote that they could have the rest of the paperwork within two days.
After eighteen stinkin' months they can't wait another two days!!!! So what happens to Jubilee?
I guess this country doesn't think about that. Gee, I was under the impression that it was a good thing for these sweethearts to be adopted. I thought that was the goal of the adoption agency, the government and everyone else involved. Guess I was wrong. It's all about paperwork and "deadlines".
I am so up in arms over this, I could scream! This is the most ridiculous decision ever made. There is a family who would do anything for this little girl, a family ready to take her home, a family who loves her. I don't have the words to express my exasperation and sadness over this.
I am asking for you all to please pray. Pray for a miracle. For a change of mind and of heart to those in the decision making seats in the other country. Anything is possible for God, even the impossible.