Or does it?
With the New Year comes HOPE! It's a new beginning. Another chance to make things right. All those resolutions!! I promise to's.... all said with the best of intentions. But how many of those resolutions ever see the light of day? I know I stopped making them years ago. I mean honestly after a couple of glasses of wine, I think I can take on the world, so resolutions made on New Years Eve don't have a fighting chance.
I'd rather just find comfort in HOPE. Another year, means God still wants us around. He's not done with us yet,and we still have a chance to make it right with Him.
Tonight, 2011 will be over, and tonight, Reece's Rainbow Angel Tree will be over too. Our goal was to get every child on that tree at least $1000.00 into their account. Why?? Because that is their HOPE!
That is their ticket out of hell.
There are currently 37 children who have not yet met their goals.
Can you give them some HOPE for 2012? Before you go out tonight, before you do your hair and make up and put on that fabulous outfit, before you call your friends to see what their wearing, before you look at your ring finger and get butterflies because you can just guess that tonight is the night he pops the question. Before you double check your reservations to make sure you have the best seat,before you say so long to 2011, can you give these children HOPE?
And maybe with that bit of HOPE passed on to them by you, one day they will be making plans with their friends, and doing their hair and picking out a fabulous outfit for New Years Eve. Maybe they will have great seats at the best restaurant, and be watching the fireworks, maybe they will be glued to the TV, counting down 10. 9. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
HOPE is what they long for. Please give them HOPE. Reece's Rainbow Angel Tree




My bracelet giveaway will run til midnight. Any one donating $10.00 to any of these children still under $1000.00 will be entered. Just leave a comment here so I can add you.
Have a Happy and safe New Year. God bless you!!