Wednesday, October 31, 2012

31 for 21: The Medical Community, Down syndrome And Dr Julia Kinder

I couldn't think of a better way to close Down syndrome Awareness month than by highlighting a shining star within the medical community. Most of us have heard of Dr. Brian Skotko, and Dr Pueschel. They are both huge names within the medical community. I have had the pleasure of meeting both gentlemen. Dr. P is Em's specialist and raised a son, Chris, who had Ds. Brian has a sister with Ds and does us a wealth of positive advocating within the medical world.

 But today's post is about Dr. Julia Kinder. 

She is a wife, mother, doctor, and for lack of better wording... one of us. Her beautiful daughter Ella was born with Down syndrome!

Since the birth of Ella , Dr. Kinder has been on a mission to change the way doctors are educated when it comes to delivering a diagnosis of Down syndrome to parents. She admits that doctors are not adequately trained. 

" My medical training did not prepare me for understanding what it would be like to have a child with Down syndrome or how I needed to care for her."

 Right now doctors are not receiving enough education. They do not  fully understand Down syndrome and most still have very outdated and bleak takes on it. Most of us already have experienced first hand the lack of knowledge within the medical community. Unfortunately, doctors not always but most often, paint a very gloomy future for our children. 

My own experience was not good at all. I was pegged as a challenging patient because I asked a lot of questions. Looking back now, I can see that I made my doctor uncomfortable because she did not know how to answer my questions! And how could she, if she herself wasn't trained properly . How could she give me hope if Down syndrome was a mystery to her? 

I was consistently told that even though the baby looked good, during ultrasounds, something catastrophic could still happen! Talk about being a bubble burster! I left every doctors appointment confused and scared.
No wonder 9 out of 10 woman choose to abort their child! 

Now, imagine what it would be like if our doctors understood Down syndrome. Imagine how a diagnosis would be delivered! It would not start with the words "I'm sorry" but instead , CONGRATULATIONS!!!" And , "It's going to be Okay!!!"

 I never once heard those words from my doctor.

This is Dr. Kinder's mission. It's a mission that could save the lives of countless babies! Ease the fears of parents and change the hearts and minds of thousands of new doctors!

Dr. Kinder currently has a petition in place to require complete education on Down syndrome for third year medical students. I've signed it and I think advocating for this petition on this last day of October is very fitting! I'd love to see our beautiful community rally together and  add a boatload of signatures!

Click here to  read and sign the petition, and please share. Everyone should know about this. It is our responsibility as parents of children with Down syndrome to pave a better path for others. We know how amazing our children are. The medical community should know too!!!

Education is the key! 

Updated and accurate education must be mandatory to make a difference!

Please sign!

And after you sign "like" Dr. Julia Kinder's facebook page, Upside of Down.

She is truly a shining star, doing great things for our children!


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