We went to speak about the myths and misconceptions of Ds. It was our first gig together and it went beautifully.
The children had put together questions for me and Em to answer. I received the questions in advance, and it's a good thing! They were such well thought out questions that I needed to do a little research myself to make sure I had the best possible answers.
Here are some of the questions.
What is DS?
Why do people with ds speak differently?
Do people with ds age faster? (I loved this one)
Can people with ds play sports?
Can people with ds handle adult responsibilities?
Is there a cure?
Are people with ds more emotional?
Why do people with ds look similar?
Aren't they great questions !!!
The kids were polite and asked questions throughout our little talk. And I do believe they were interested in what I was saying.
It was (thanks to these kids) one of my proudest and happiest moments as a parent of a special needs child.
I hope I answered their questions clearly and I above all hope that I cleared up a lot of misconceptions about Ds, and all special needs people. On the inside we're all the same. And hopefully there are ten more advocates out there ready to speak up if they ever hear anyone speaking in ignorance about our special kids.
Thanks guys for having us to your classroom! We had a great time.
Mrs. Unger, thank you so much!!!!
P.S. E and J... be GOOD!!!!
I went in to speak to my third graders class a couple of weeks ago. I spoke a little bit about Down syndrome, and the kids (who all know John) seemed to really welcome the opportunity to learn more and ask questions. They thought it was so cool that while John can't really talk all that well, he still knows his ABCs and uses signs to communicate. The talk was part of the school's diversity week. I also talked about prejudice and not judging a book by it's cover. We talked about how they would feel if someone made a judgement about them based solely on their differences--be it their sex, how tall they were, what country they came from, whether they were good in math etc. These kids were great. A few appreciated that they were guilty of jumping to conclusions and said that they were going to try not to any more. If only adults were as wise and understanding as 8 year olds! I have know doubt that you and Emmie just enlisted 10 more advocates, not only for those with special needs, but for all people who might be victims of prejudice. Great job!
What a great thing to do!! People forget that we can make a difference and we can change the world through acceptance and understanding.
Thats a great idea! More teachers should do that. Maybe I should talke to my boys teachers about doing that!
That's AWESOME, Stephanie!! It's so important for children to be educated regarding special needs. But the most important thing (and the best way to get throught to these children) is by answering their questions in a way that they understand. And what better way than to have Em there with you. Sometimes, kids are visual learners, and how great that we don't just tell them that our children are more like them.....but we actually prove our words and show them. Kind of like show and tell!!! Kudos to you for being an active advocate.
BTW, I've been taking notes from everyone as talking my boys' school is next on my list. Thanks for the tips:)
I love you bud!!! You amaze me EVERY day!!!! I am so proud of you and so in awe of you and everything you do as a Mom! Em and the kids are simply blessed with the Greatest Soul ever!! What a wonderful learning/teaching experience...I feel you will be doing even more...it is just fabulous. xo
Such a great opportunity! How did it come about? I mean did the teachers ask you to come in for a certain reason? I don't have kids in school yet but would love to do this some day with Bennett because if kids learn early about Down syndrome then they will be more accepting as they get older and become adults.
Those were some great questions!
Way to go!
That is awesome! Way to go for bringing more awareness to the next generation!
What a wonderful opportunity! Miss Em is teaching the world so much! Hugs!!!
That is awesome. So glad you did that. I truly believe education is the key! Our ds guild trains parents on how to go into classrooms and even how to talk to doctors and nurses about ds. It is a great program.
Good for you guys! Those students will always remember now :-)
Lily and I have spoken to a few different groups. Love to advocate for our kids.
How wonderful that you were able to do that!Hopefully you have made a difference in how those children will feel about and treat others with different abilities for the rest of their lives.
Good for you! I LOVE stories like this. Our kiddos need all the support and awareness they can get! Way to go!
That is so great, what interesting questions. I need to do that in our schools around here as well. Great Job!
Wow, what an awesome way to educate these young people! Great questions, too - I'm glad you got some advance warning!
Emilia's quite the little ambassador! :-)
this is a fantastic idea!!! I love the questions!
You are fabulous! What an opportunity! I bet Emilia was the best co-speaker ever!
so awesome! this is so wonderful!
That is so great what you did, yes more parents and teacher sshould hold such events in school so that more people can be educated on Special Needs, in our case DS. Thos are some great questions...would love to read about the answers you gave especially since you were talking to kids.
Good for you Stephanie, we need more moms like you, I hope one day I get the chance to do the same and my sons's or even eventually Saira's school will be open to it. Hugs :)
Great questions. How did you answer about aging and the other questions too? I'm curious. Hugs
I love the questions! You are a great advocate! I plan on doing this next year with my boys' classrooms.
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