Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving !

Miss Em was determined to "help" me yesterday.  let's just say this bag and it's contents were"helped" all over the house.   

The turkey is in the oven, the house is clean, the pies are baked. Soon the house will be swarming with our much anticipated guests. But right now I have a quiet moment to say thank you.

Thank you first to Jesus who never lets us fall. He has had His protective hands on my family and has made His presence known. I can see Him leading us and I am eager to follow.

Thank you sweet blogworld for being my constant strength and support. You all are always there for me whether it be a prayer request or a need to vent. You have never judged me. I love you all!

Thank you family for putting up with me.I know the words crazy and lunatic are often on your tongues but never spoken out loud. I appreciate that! 

And sweet friends who have always been by our side, from the bottom of my very grateful heart, Thank You!

I wish you all a Thanksgiving surrounded by family and friends, a new memory to be made. A day filled with laughter and love. 

And please remember Olga from RR and all the other Sweets who are alone today and everyday until they get their forever families.


Rochelle said...

Blessings and Happy Thanksgiving to you dear friend. Hope your day is as amazing as you!

patsy said...

hope you all have a great day...i am thankful for all of you in the blogging world. and for you making me laugh talking about things like placenta conditioner :)

The VW's said...

HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! Many blessings to you and your family! Hugs!

Scrappy quilter said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you dear friend. I'm thankful for you!! Hugs and love