Three Hundred and Sixty Five days. Why is that a life time when you're eight, but at forty something it 's just about a weekend. I remember sitting here last year kicking 2009 out the door, and here I am again all too glad to escort 2010 the same way. With a few very important exceptions:
This year although a tough one had so many moments of joy and laughter! Miss Em continues to boost us all when we are down. We've all become so dependent on her!
My faith has grown more than the Grinch's heart this year.
And I know why I am here. It took forty two years but I know what God wants me to do. And luckily it's the same thing He wants Peter to do! How considerate to match us up like that. Our eyes are set on the orphans, and I'm so excited to see where we are going.
We have our health, and I don't take that lightly. I thank God that He has chosen financial difficulties for us and preserved our health. I know how lucky we are.
I've got friends that I can't say enough about. Friends that come when you call and come even faster when you don't, because they just know you need them. Friends that you don't have to explain things to... again , they just know. Friends that are the best family I could have.
And I've got a family that never judges... just loves.
Wherever you are tonight when 2011 makes it's first appearance, whisper a prayer of thanks. Be excited about where this year will take you. May we all rise to the challenges this year will bring to all of us, and may we see and recognize the joys and blessings that this year will undoubtedly bring to all of us.
God bless you tonight!
Happy New Year!
Friday, December 31, 2010
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Update : Liza Jane
I have a recent update on Miss Liza Jane and it's not very good. Please keep her and her family in your prayers. At this point the doctors have done everything they can.
here is what my friend emailed me. These are Liza Jane's mothers words.
"At this point they cannot offer her any more support without harming her. So now either her heart has to get stronger, or she will not make it. It's just a matter of a few days to wait and see. They are also concerned about her kidney function so they can't give her a lot of diuretics to help with fluid retention. She is puffy and swollen beyond recognition.
Dear friends and family, without a miraculous recovery, this could be the end of the road. We can't really express what we are feeling right now. Please keep praying for the miracle that God promised. Thank you."
Please pray for them today. My heart is breaking for this family.
here is what my friend emailed me. These are Liza Jane's mothers words.
"At this point they cannot offer her any more support without harming her. So now either her heart has to get stronger, or she will not make it. It's just a matter of a few days to wait and see. They are also concerned about her kidney function so they can't give her a lot of diuretics to help with fluid retention. She is puffy and swollen beyond recognition.
Dear friends and family, without a miraculous recovery, this could be the end of the road. We can't really express what we are feeling right now. Please keep praying for the miracle that God promised. Thank you."
Please pray for them today. My heart is breaking for this family.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
A Day Of Prayer And Fasting For Lois
Lois' mom just posted and it's not good news. I feel like I was just punched in the stomach. I was expecting remission and it hasn't happened.
I was thinking about having a day of prayer and fasting for Miss Lois. How about Monday January 3rd? I've seen the power of prayer and fasting before, and all our prayers rising up to the heavens together could work a miracle. The way I see it, it surly can't hurt.
Please consider being a part of this special day for Lois! Pass the word, spread the word, post about it. The more people who know the better!
Let's ring in the New Year for Lois!
January 3rd, For LOIS!!!
Are you with me?
Monday, December 27, 2010
Emmie And The Nutcracker
Miss Em had me laughing til it hurt and crying tears of joy all at the same time with this one! We were watching the Nutcracker on TV and Miss Em was doing what she does best... observing.
Then she just started to "copy."
This is long! I just didn't want to stop filming. Please don't feel obligated to watch the whole thing! I won't mind, but do catch some of her moves. Don't forget to pause my music
Then she just started to "copy."
This is long! I just didn't want to stop filming. Please don't feel obligated to watch the whole thing! I won't mind, but do catch some of her moves. Don't forget to pause my music
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Thankful Sunday
I'm sitting here in my quiet house. The smell of coffee is permeating through the air. The kids were up late last night with Aniela, trying to get their fill of her, so they are still in their sweet dreamland. There is a light layer of snow on the ground with the promise of more coming today and from my dining room table I can hear our church bells ringing. It is Sunday.
I'm thankful for so much today. But one thing I just cannot get past is the remarkable things that Jesus has done for us. And continues to do for us. It's difficult for me to comprehend that out of all the people in the world He has cast His gaze my way. And for everything He has shown me and taught me this past year I am eternally thankful.
I am so thankful for the smiles and peace that were in my home on Christmas day.
Thankful that Aniela is here and our family is all together.
Thankful that this was such a huge year for the orphan! Through word of mouth and blogs so many more people are aware of the plight of these sweets from RR.
And I'm so thankful for my family! They are all crazy, and drive me crazy, but they are my life! Where would I be without them?? Thanks to them there is never a dull moment, and plenty of laughs. The kind that make your sides hurt.
All six together in one spot!!
Thank God for this gift too wonderful for words!
~ 2 Corinthians 9:15,
I'm thankful for so much today. But one thing I just cannot get past is the remarkable things that Jesus has done for us. And continues to do for us. It's difficult for me to comprehend that out of all the people in the world He has cast His gaze my way. And for everything He has shown me and taught me this past year I am eternally thankful.
I am so thankful for the smiles and peace that were in my home on Christmas day.
Thankful that Aniela is here and our family is all together.
Thankful that this was such a huge year for the orphan! Through word of mouth and blogs so many more people are aware of the plight of these sweets from RR.
And I'm so thankful for my family! They are all crazy, and drive me crazy, but they are my life! Where would I be without them?? Thanks to them there is never a dull moment, and plenty of laughs. The kind that make your sides hurt.
All six together in one spot!!
Thank God for this gift too wonderful for words!
~ 2 Corinthians 9:15,
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Happy, Happy!
Christmas Eve!!! Emmie was so excited.
OK, I'm sleeping , come on Santa!!
Christmas Day!!! Someone was kind enough to document the time(Sophia)I That says 4:45am! Seriously?? I think I went to sleep at 2:00am.
Woo Hoo a book!
Oh I just love you both!
I just need a little rest
OK, I'm sleeping , come on Santa!!
Christmas Day!!! Someone was kind enough to document the time(Sophia)I That says 4:45am! Seriously?? I think I went to sleep at 2:00am.
Woo Hoo a book!
I just need a little rest
The silence of Christmas
As I type this my eyes are shutting and my back is aching. But my heart is happy. The baking is done and the gifts are set...almost. And the children are asleep...almost. And there is silence. A rare thing in this house.
A moment to collect my thoughts and count my blessings.
It's Christmas morning! I swear if I listen closely I can hear the angels singing.
I'm enjoying the silence of Christmas, it's beautiful.
May you all have a most blessed Christmas day.
A moment to collect my thoughts and count my blessings.
It's Christmas morning! I swear if I listen closely I can hear the angels singing.
I'm enjoying the silence of Christmas, it's beautiful.
May you all have a most blessed Christmas day.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Why Just For the Next Two Days??
I don't know about you but I've been baking and cooking and preparing. Preparing for the day of all days.
This year there is a joy in my heart that has been missing. This year is different. This year I believe God lead us down a road purposely filled with incredibly difficult things, for one reason. To bring us closer to Him.
I guess He took a chance with us. We could have pointed an accusing finger at Him and turned our backs. How many times has that happened to Him?
My faith has grown more in this past year than in my entire life.
I'm actually excited about where God is leading us, as a family.
With that being said, here's what kind of irks me about this time of year. Why can we not keep this feeling all year?
Why on the 23rd of December can we be in a crowded super market, laughing at the crowds with a stranger? If it were July 23rd we'd be cursing everyone in there.
Why on Dec 24th is it OK for someone to get in front of us? We give them a gentle wave of the hand, "come on buddy, Merry Christmas". If that happened in September, we would have a classic example of road rage. How dare that idiot get in front of me! let him wait his turn!
Why on the 25th of December does everyone remember where the church is? The following week, there is no sight of them.
I guess it helps that the world is decorated with lights and reminders of Christmas. But after the lights and decorations are gone why do we forget? Why can't we keep that feeling? We don't have to take down the lights and decorations , that are in our hearts.
Jesus doesn't just remember us on our birthday. Imagine? One day out of the year to turn to Jesus for all our needs?
Sounds kind of unfair, doesn't it?
Here's an early New Year Resolution, and challenge.
To keep Christmas alive all year long. To remember the joy of these two days through the upcoming year.
From our home to yours, May God bless you all with peace and joy this Christmas.
This year there is a joy in my heart that has been missing. This year is different. This year I believe God lead us down a road purposely filled with incredibly difficult things, for one reason. To bring us closer to Him.
I guess He took a chance with us. We could have pointed an accusing finger at Him and turned our backs. How many times has that happened to Him?
My faith has grown more in this past year than in my entire life.
I'm actually excited about where God is leading us, as a family.
With that being said, here's what kind of irks me about this time of year. Why can we not keep this feeling all year?
Why on the 23rd of December can we be in a crowded super market, laughing at the crowds with a stranger? If it were July 23rd we'd be cursing everyone in there.
Why on Dec 24th is it OK for someone to get in front of us? We give them a gentle wave of the hand, "come on buddy, Merry Christmas". If that happened in September, we would have a classic example of road rage. How dare that idiot get in front of me! let him wait his turn!
Why on the 25th of December does everyone remember where the church is? The following week, there is no sight of them.
I guess it helps that the world is decorated with lights and reminders of Christmas. But after the lights and decorations are gone why do we forget? Why can't we keep that feeling? We don't have to take down the lights and decorations , that are in our hearts.
Jesus doesn't just remember us on our birthday. Imagine? One day out of the year to turn to Jesus for all our needs?
Sounds kind of unfair, doesn't it?
Here's an early New Year Resolution, and challenge.
To keep Christmas alive all year long. To remember the joy of these two days through the upcoming year.
From our home to yours, May God bless you all with peace and joy this Christmas.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Full Circle
Remember my post about the big room switch last December? It was crazy, and just for kicks I went back to see what date it was. It was exactly one year ago today. You can see what I'm talking about here if you missed the chaos last year.
Then after all that hard work came that stinkin flood that took out half my state and pretty much my whole city. You can read about that nightmare here. Anyway because of that flood we lost all of the lower level of our home. So much for all the hard work during the room switch. It all went into the garbage. We have been trying to get everything back in order ever since . We were down to just the studs and concrete floor. Everything had to be taken out
I've had misplaced kids(and parents) for almost nine months now. A baby sleeping in a pack n play and makeshift beds all over the house. It has not been easy.
We just could not replace everything we lost. Like all the beds, the carpets. The walls! It was an overwhelming task for Peter to undertake alone. He's not big on asking for help.
Then during the summer an angel named Rob spent day after day helping Peter get the walls in.
Then another angel named Karen took it upon herself and some "other angels", to get us a bed and a mattress for Miss Em.
And an Angel named Ron, put in carpets for us.
So, because of them and their amazing generosity we have come full circle, and last night everyone got to sleep where they belong. Except Andrew who still needs a bed. But that's OK, because he gets to sleep in my new bed and I get to snuggle my little man all night.
Look who slept like a baby last night!
Then after all that hard work came that stinkin flood that took out half my state and pretty much my whole city. You can read about that nightmare here. Anyway because of that flood we lost all of the lower level of our home. So much for all the hard work during the room switch. It all went into the garbage. We have been trying to get everything back in order ever since . We were down to just the studs and concrete floor. Everything had to be taken out
I've had misplaced kids(and parents) for almost nine months now. A baby sleeping in a pack n play and makeshift beds all over the house. It has not been easy.
We just could not replace everything we lost. Like all the beds, the carpets. The walls! It was an overwhelming task for Peter to undertake alone. He's not big on asking for help.
Then during the summer an angel named Rob spent day after day helping Peter get the walls in.
Then another angel named Karen took it upon herself and some "other angels", to get us a bed and a mattress for Miss Em.
And an Angel named Ron, put in carpets for us.
So, because of them and their amazing generosity we have come full circle, and last night everyone got to sleep where they belong. Except Andrew who still needs a bed. But that's OK, because he gets to sleep in my new bed and I get to snuggle my little man all night.
Look who slept like a baby last night!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Liza Jane Update
My friend just emailed me the latest update on Miss Liza Jane.
The plan is for her to be weaned slowly from the heart and lung machine. The blood thinners they are giving her to be on the machine are what's causing the bleeding in her brain. The next few days are critical to see if she can support herself with less help from the machine.
Please keep this Dumpling and her family in your prayers.
Thank you!
The plan is for her to be weaned slowly from the heart and lung machine. The blood thinners they are giving her to be on the machine are what's causing the bleeding in her brain. The next few days are critical to see if she can support herself with less help from the machine.
Please keep this Dumpling and her family in your prayers.
Thank you!
Finally! Some Flakes
I was seriously starting to worry! Of course I don't expect this flurry to amount to much, but it's nice to see.
Anyone who hasn't been to RR to see an update on Olga she has passed the 12,000 mark.Again thank you!!!
Patti's Ipad giveaway for Olga and Kareen is going on until Christmas Eve.
Fliers went out in church and Bell'a gymnastics school is taking up a donation for Olga. beautiful bloggers have pased on the word to forums and FB and word of mouth.
Our school is getting ready to join seven other schools for a dress down day for Olga.
There is no doubt in my mind that because of the efforts of so many people this little girls life was saved.
The only problem I am having is thinking of a way to keep this up. How to keep it going for others like Olga, all year long.
My wheels are turning, no brilliant ideas yet. I'm sure there must be something to do to raise money all year long without begging.
UGH, time to bring the Darlings to school then OT group, them hopefully I'll get some baking done.
Anyone who hasn't been to RR to see an update on Olga she has passed the 12,000 mark.Again thank you!!!
Patti's Ipad giveaway for Olga and Kareen is going on until Christmas Eve.
Fliers went out in church and Bell'a gymnastics school is taking up a donation for Olga. beautiful bloggers have pased on the word to forums and FB and word of mouth.
Our school is getting ready to join seven other schools for a dress down day for Olga.
There is no doubt in my mind that because of the efforts of so many people this little girls life was saved.
The only problem I am having is thinking of a way to keep this up. How to keep it going for others like Olga, all year long.
My wheels are turning, no brilliant ideas yet. I'm sure there must be something to do to raise money all year long without begging.
UGH, time to bring the Darlings to school then OT group, them hopefully I'll get some baking done.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Prayer Request
My friend just emailed me, asking for prayers for a little girl . She is friends with the little girls family. When prayers are needed I turn to all of you. Liza is only one month old and has Ds. She has already had three surgeries. She is currently on a heart and lung machine. There is some bleeding in her brain. That's all I know, but that seems like plenty!
Could you please lift this Dumpling up in your prayers?
Could you please lift this Dumpling up in your prayers?
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Thankful Sunday
OH this was a looooong week! It was Nutcracker week! Today was the last show, it was beautiful, all the kids work so hard. but I'm THANKFUL it's over... til next year.
Sophia and Bella, as, party girl and Spanish Candy Doll.
Olivia, as Clara's friend with Jordan, also Clara's friend.
Maybe next year we'll add Andrew as a party boy!
And how could I not be thankful for everything that has been done for Olga. My heart is overjoyed.
I'm thankful that Miss Em's got some smooth moves Don't forget to pause my music first. Enjoy...
Sophia and Bella, as, party girl and Spanish Candy Doll.
Olivia, as Clara's friend with Jordan, also Clara's friend.
Maybe next year we'll add Andrew as a party boy!
And how could I not be thankful for everything that has been done for Olga. My heart is overjoyed.
I'm thankful that Miss Em's got some smooth moves Don't forget to pause my music first. Enjoy...
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Merry Christmas Dalton!
A while back I wrote a post on my adoption page about a little boy named Dalton. Today I am overjoyed to announce that Dalton has a forever family!!!! And his Happily Ever After...
You can read more about Dalton and Stacy's beautiful family on her blog, My Cup Overfloweth
Friday, December 17, 2010
Not Just Another Giveaway
There are a lot of thoughts going through my mind right now(all good), but I'm beyond exhausted and no where near done tonight . There is a post I need to write but my mushy brain cannot put the thoughts into words tonight. Hopefully tomorrow, it will happen.
But what I really have to tell you, is that there is the mother of all giveaways going on at at Lily's. Can I just say iPad and iTunes card (the card was donated by that crazy mother who recently held her squibs hostage)! And one other thing I have to say is, this family is one in a million! A gift fell into their hands and with it they selflessly purchased this iPad to giveaway for Olga.
Go check it out and see the new surprise... Kareen
Seriously I can't do this justice tonight. Just go see for yourself. Amazing things are happening for the orphans this Christmas.
But what I really have to tell you, is that there is the mother of all giveaways going on at at Lily's. Can I just say iPad and iTunes card (the card was donated by that crazy mother who recently held her squibs hostage)! And one other thing I have to say is, this family is one in a million! A gift fell into their hands and with it they selflessly purchased this iPad to giveaway for Olga.
Go check it out and see the new surprise... Kareen
Seriously I can't do this justice tonight. Just go see for yourself. Amazing things are happening for the orphans this Christmas.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
A Button For Olga
Sometimes a picture can say more than all the words in the world. Peter and I conjured up a button for Olga, please grab it and help spread the word, that this Princess is waiting for her forever family!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Just A Thought...
We all have come together and raised over 10,000 for Olga. That is a miracle! Plain and simple.
Next month is Olga's fifth birthday. Do you have a child that is five or older? Do you remember how amazing turning five was for them. I was just looking through some photographs today of Olivia's fifth birthday. She thought she was such a big girl. It was such a celebration. The house was full of little girls and friends and family, noise and laughter, balloons, wrapping paper and cake. And after the party my "big girl" promptly passed out.
Olga obviously won't be having a party next month. And turning five when you are an orphan in an EE country and have Down syndrome, isn't really a reason to celebrate. By the age of five, orphans are leaving the baby houses for the institutions. Yeah, Happy Birthday!!
OK, don't leave me here, I'm not asking for money this time. Of course if you've got the urge to donate... go for it!!
What Olga really needs right now, is a family. She needs someone to commit to her. In order to achieve that I think we need to pray. So that's all I'm asking for. Just a prayer for Olga to have a family by Christmas.
And this time I'm asking that you Please, leave a comment telling me that you will storm heaven with your prayers! I have never asked for comments, but I'd really like to read your comments on this. It just makes me feel good. And it is inspiring to me and to others.
I know Olga's family is out there.Nothing is more powerful than the power of prayer!
It's just a thought..Are you in??
Next month is Olga's fifth birthday. Do you have a child that is five or older? Do you remember how amazing turning five was for them. I was just looking through some photographs today of Olivia's fifth birthday. She thought she was such a big girl. It was such a celebration. The house was full of little girls and friends and family, noise and laughter, balloons, wrapping paper and cake. And after the party my "big girl" promptly passed out.
Olga obviously won't be having a party next month. And turning five when you are an orphan in an EE country and have Down syndrome, isn't really a reason to celebrate. By the age of five, orphans are leaving the baby houses for the institutions. Yeah, Happy Birthday!!
OK, don't leave me here, I'm not asking for money this time. Of course if you've got the urge to donate... go for it!!
What Olga really needs right now, is a family. She needs someone to commit to her. In order to achieve that I think we need to pray. So that's all I'm asking for. Just a prayer for Olga to have a family by Christmas.
And this time I'm asking that you Please, leave a comment telling me that you will storm heaven with your prayers! I have never asked for comments, but I'd really like to read your comments on this. It just makes me feel good. And it is inspiring to me and to others.
I know Olga's family is out there.Nothing is more powerful than the power of prayer!
It's just a thought..Are you in??
How Does This Sound?
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Please Don't Let The Sqibs Be Held Hostage!
Courtney, from The Adventures of Pudge and Zippy, has come up with a clever way to support Miss Olga. It involves her Sweet Treasures! I am heavily dependent on the adventures of, LC and Jace. I really can not go long without them. Please help release the squibs!!!
Here's the post Courtney wrote of her master plan!
I'm holding the squibs hostage. But, it's for a VERY worthy cause, I assure you.
Lots of our blog buddies have dedicated posts or blog space to promote the organization Reece's Rainbow. I've been more hesitant in jumping in, since domestic adoption is very much a passion of my own heart and an area that I think needs a shocking degree of legislative attention and reform.
That said, the conditions that children with Down syndrome are living in around the world are something that I can't turn away from. And it's something that has taken my heart over quite completely, lately.
You have an opportunity to take an active role in a Christmas miracle. I hope you won't let it pass you by. Just visit our buddy, Lily, at her blog and see how easy it is to be a part of Olga's Christmas miracle.
Olga is moving so close to a birthday that will send her into an institution. And she's moving even CLOSER to a family that will step forward on faith and claim her as their own before that day arrives.
To do our part to help out in Olga's miracle, I'm holding the squibs hostage.
And the only rules for leaving a comment are these:
*leave one comment if you give to Olga (or any other child) at Reece's Rainbow
*leave another comment if you blog about Olga's giveaway (post your link)
*leave another comment if you post about Olga's giveaway on Facebook
*leave another comment if you blog or Facebook post about the organization, Reece's Rainbow
That's it. That's all.
I'm withholding LC and Jace's stories, because I know that EVERY ONE of the faces pictured in the video above has the same stories to tell. What they DON'T have is a proud mother who spends the day with a camera lens inches from their face. But they could.
And Olga's getting awfully close.
So, before I'm set upon by frantic grandmothers...and birth families...and long distance fan club members...
Please share Olga's story and be a part of the wonder that is unfolding for her.
...Thank you, thank you, thank you...
Well she means business! Click here to visit her blog , The Adventures of Pudge and Zippy
Here's the post Courtney wrote of her master plan!
I'm holding the squibs hostage. But, it's for a VERY worthy cause, I assure you.
Lots of our blog buddies have dedicated posts or blog space to promote the organization Reece's Rainbow. I've been more hesitant in jumping in, since domestic adoption is very much a passion of my own heart and an area that I think needs a shocking degree of legislative attention and reform.
That said, the conditions that children with Down syndrome are living in around the world are something that I can't turn away from. And it's something that has taken my heart over quite completely, lately.
You have an opportunity to take an active role in a Christmas miracle. I hope you won't let it pass you by. Just visit our buddy, Lily, at her blog and see how easy it is to be a part of Olga's Christmas miracle.
Olga is moving so close to a birthday that will send her into an institution. And she's moving even CLOSER to a family that will step forward on faith and claim her as their own before that day arrives.
To do our part to help out in Olga's miracle, I'm holding the squibs hostage.
I won't post another word, picture, anecdote or update until THIS POST has 100 comments.
And the only rules for leaving a comment are these:
*leave one comment if you give to Olga (or any other child) at Reece's Rainbow
*leave another comment if you blog about Olga's giveaway (post your link)
*leave another comment if you post about Olga's giveaway on Facebook
*leave another comment if you blog or Facebook post about the organization, Reece's Rainbow
That's it. That's all.
I'm withholding LC and Jace's stories, because I know that EVERY ONE of the faces pictured in the video above has the same stories to tell. What they DON'T have is a proud mother who spends the day with a camera lens inches from their face. But they could.
And Olga's getting awfully close.
So, before I'm set upon by frantic grandmothers...and birth families...and long distance fan club members...
Please share Olga's story and be a part of the wonder that is unfolding for her.
...Thank you, thank you, thank you...
Well she means business! Click here to visit her blog , The Adventures of Pudge and Zippy
Caution! This Will Blow You AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
$9,473 !
Told you...
Come on Forever family!!!!!
$9,473 !
Told you...
Come on Forever family!!!!!
This is not the post I had planned to write today. I was thinking something lite and easy to read. But after a heart wrenching email from a friend and I good cry on my part until my head hurt, the fluff went out the door.
Why the hell is it that the rest of the freakin' world cannot see what we see? Why when I go to Reece's Rainbow, I see the face of God in every single child. Why is it that most of us had to have a child with Down syndrome to realize the magic?
Why is it that those crossed eyed and skinny, and delayed , and sometimes ill little children look like heaven to me. Why is it that I could close my eyes and happily take whichever one my finger landed on!
If your still with me I know you are shaking your head in agreement. Because you know about the magic.
Why can others not see past all of this? Why can't they see the child. The child that needs some love! A child that will thrive in a loving environment.Seriously! We call ourselves a civilized nation! How many people in our civilized nation are repulsed by people with Ds? I've seen the hate groups on FB. So have you. More than I care to admit, they're out there.
I'm mad today! I'm mad because there are people out there who want to adopt these sweets, myself included and can't. I'm mad because there are people out there who can adopt and won't.I'm mad because there are people out there who can help and don't think these children are worth helping.
And you know what! I'm going to stay mad, because that's when things get done. I'm not going to get comfortable. I wish the world would get mad! Mad that there are children being sent to institutions for the rest of their damn lives because they are not seen as productive human beings. DEFINE PRODUCTIVE!
I have to get the kids up for school. Here's what I'm doing today. I'm praying and fasting for the lives of so many on RR. if you feel compelled to join me, please do. I'm new to fasting, but a true believer in it thanks to a dear friend, Linny, who has the BIGGEST heart for orphans that I've ever seen.
Jesus fasted for forty days I can handle once a week for Olga and her buddies to get a home, for ignorance to be erased, and forever families to hear the calling. If today doesn't work for you then pick a day that does. But, say a prayer today...
NOTE!! The email did not ignite my outrage! The email was from a friend with a HUGE heart that would snatch up Olga in a second!!!
I'm just upset that Olga could have a family or two by now if finances weren't an issue and that frustration led to this post! I'm upset that so many families out there shun the thought of adopting these kids because they are not "perfect". Again , DEFINE PERFECT! Sorry for the confusion about the email.
Why the hell is it that the rest of the freakin' world cannot see what we see? Why when I go to Reece's Rainbow, I see the face of God in every single child. Why is it that most of us had to have a child with Down syndrome to realize the magic?
Why is it that those crossed eyed and skinny, and delayed , and sometimes ill little children look like heaven to me. Why is it that I could close my eyes and happily take whichever one my finger landed on!
If your still with me I know you are shaking your head in agreement. Because you know about the magic.
Why can others not see past all of this? Why can't they see the child. The child that needs some love! A child that will thrive in a loving environment.Seriously! We call ourselves a civilized nation! How many people in our civilized nation are repulsed by people with Ds? I've seen the hate groups on FB. So have you. More than I care to admit, they're out there.
I'm mad today! I'm mad because there are people out there who want to adopt these sweets, myself included and can't. I'm mad because there are people out there who can adopt and won't.I'm mad because there are people out there who can help and don't think these children are worth helping.
And you know what! I'm going to stay mad, because that's when things get done. I'm not going to get comfortable. I wish the world would get mad! Mad that there are children being sent to institutions for the rest of their damn lives because they are not seen as productive human beings. DEFINE PRODUCTIVE!
I have to get the kids up for school. Here's what I'm doing today. I'm praying and fasting for the lives of so many on RR. if you feel compelled to join me, please do. I'm new to fasting, but a true believer in it thanks to a dear friend, Linny, who has the BIGGEST heart for orphans that I've ever seen.
Jesus fasted for forty days I can handle once a week for Olga and her buddies to get a home, for ignorance to be erased, and forever families to hear the calling. If today doesn't work for you then pick a day that does. But, say a prayer today...
NOTE!! The email did not ignite my outrage! The email was from a friend with a HUGE heart that would snatch up Olga in a second!!!
I'm just upset that Olga could have a family or two by now if finances weren't an issue and that frustration led to this post! I'm upset that so many families out there shun the thought of adopting these kids because they are not "perfect". Again , DEFINE PERFECT! Sorry for the confusion about the email.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Forever Aglow
We remembered Kristen and Carly last night as we lit our candle. And we remember they are not far from us, but all around us now! Forever aglow in the light of Jesus. They are brighter than all the candles in the world.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Something's Changed, Part2
Here I sit again in my quiet, still dark house, trying to collect my thoughts and finish up yesterday's post. It seems I have thoughts scattering in every direction. I don't know if I can gather them all and convey them into words.
I left off yesterday, (if you'd didn't see yesterday's post you can catch up here) thinking God wanted more from me than my current roll of wife, mother and special needs advocate. I didn't quite know what He wanted.
I knew what I wanted! And what Peter wanted! I know what the kids want! We all want to adopt. We want to rescue a Little Love from Reece's Rainbow, we want to rescue a Little Love through domestic adoption, We're even open to Foster Parenting!
Any child without a family, from anywhere! But we can't. We don't meet the financial requirements! Big Surprise, LOL
So why dear God would you give us all the same desire set it on fire and leave . Why would you put us in a situation where all we want to do is help and we can't! Simple, He wouldn't and He didn't!
Any desire planted by God will not be in vain! It is up to YOU to water and tend to it! Then it will flourish and grow.
Should we tend to these desires that seem impossible? Aren't we just setting ourselves up for heartbreak and disappointment? I mean we cannot adopt. But we can do other things. Not every one who advocates and supports adoption is able to actually adopt. We can still do something. We can pray, spread the word, fund raise. Whatever we can do it is more than doing nothing.
There has been a lot of praying, and fasting, and listening.
The constant and resounding answer has been, " it will come, It's almost time".
And I am so excited! Let me tell you, I have to listen very closely to hear God speak. And I do request that He please speak loud and clear as I am not one to pick up on subtle hints. So what do those words mean to me? Those words that I know beyond a shadow of a doubt are from God?
They mean Hope!
They mean Yes, You are on the right path!
Yes, you are doing what I have called you to do!
Yes I am with you!
Yes I see what you are going through and it is all part of my Plan!
Yes, stay close to the orphan!
And with these words came the most amazing vision, (in my mind, I didn't actually see this in my living room) A most beautiful vision of me walking in this long dark tunnel with no exits or side tunnels, just straight and pitch dark (that's accurate of life right now) and then suddenly in front of me, without warning, a door flies open and this unbelievable, bright but not blinding light, bursts into the tunnel and engulfs me. And it's only around me, the rest of the tunnel behind me, really isn't there anymore. The light is around me and in front of me.
OK and I know some of you may be thinking I'd better get things in order because that sounds like I'm about to meet my maker, and it really is almost over LOL
But , no, no, that's not the feeling I ever got. What it means to me is, the tunnel is the difficult times we have been walking through the past few years. It's been long and I couldn't see where I was going a lot of the time. but there were no turns, I had to walk straight. I had to keep my faith and not deviate from the path. I could not turn any other way. Every step in that tunnel was necessary, for without just one of those steps I would never had made it to the light.
I do hope this is not anti climatic for you! But for me it's unbelievable. I know I'm doing what God wants from me. I know there will be obstacles in my way. But I know we will be blessed. It's an incredible feeling to know really know why you are here. And it's all come together, for all of us, as a family, which is the most beautiful part. We all are on board. Every step in that tunnel has a story, a moment all it's own that led us to where we are right now. And to be able to see that and have just a glimpse of it and an understanding of it, just blows me away. I could write a book on just, the passage through the tunnel. I am in awe of God. He has brought me to my knees this week.
And we're still in a mess. We have a looong way to go. But, we will stay close to the orphans and through God anything is possible. Who am I to put limitations on God.
God has given me a great gift. I know how the story ends. I've seen the door fly open, and the light come bursting in.
And Olga's account update, $6,258!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I left off yesterday, (if you'd didn't see yesterday's post you can catch up here) thinking God wanted more from me than my current roll of wife, mother and special needs advocate. I didn't quite know what He wanted.
I knew what I wanted! And what Peter wanted! I know what the kids want! We all want to adopt. We want to rescue a Little Love from Reece's Rainbow, we want to rescue a Little Love through domestic adoption, We're even open to Foster Parenting!
Any child without a family, from anywhere! But we can't. We don't meet the financial requirements! Big Surprise, LOL
So why dear God would you give us all the same desire set it on fire and leave . Why would you put us in a situation where all we want to do is help and we can't! Simple, He wouldn't and He didn't!
Any desire planted by God will not be in vain! It is up to YOU to water and tend to it! Then it will flourish and grow.
Should we tend to these desires that seem impossible? Aren't we just setting ourselves up for heartbreak and disappointment? I mean we cannot adopt. But we can do other things. Not every one who advocates and supports adoption is able to actually adopt. We can still do something. We can pray, spread the word, fund raise. Whatever we can do it is more than doing nothing.
There has been a lot of praying, and fasting, and listening.
The constant and resounding answer has been, " it will come, It's almost time".
And I am so excited! Let me tell you, I have to listen very closely to hear God speak. And I do request that He please speak loud and clear as I am not one to pick up on subtle hints. So what do those words mean to me? Those words that I know beyond a shadow of a doubt are from God?
They mean Hope!
They mean Yes, You are on the right path!
Yes, you are doing what I have called you to do!
Yes I am with you!
Yes I see what you are going through and it is all part of my Plan!
Yes, stay close to the orphan!
And with these words came the most amazing vision, (in my mind, I didn't actually see this in my living room) A most beautiful vision of me walking in this long dark tunnel with no exits or side tunnels, just straight and pitch dark (that's accurate of life right now) and then suddenly in front of me, without warning, a door flies open and this unbelievable, bright but not blinding light, bursts into the tunnel and engulfs me. And it's only around me, the rest of the tunnel behind me, really isn't there anymore. The light is around me and in front of me.
OK and I know some of you may be thinking I'd better get things in order because that sounds like I'm about to meet my maker, and it really is almost over LOL
But , no, no, that's not the feeling I ever got. What it means to me is, the tunnel is the difficult times we have been walking through the past few years. It's been long and I couldn't see where I was going a lot of the time. but there were no turns, I had to walk straight. I had to keep my faith and not deviate from the path. I could not turn any other way. Every step in that tunnel was necessary, for without just one of those steps I would never had made it to the light.
I do hope this is not anti climatic for you! But for me it's unbelievable. I know I'm doing what God wants from me. I know there will be obstacles in my way. But I know we will be blessed. It's an incredible feeling to know really know why you are here. And it's all come together, for all of us, as a family, which is the most beautiful part. We all are on board. Every step in that tunnel has a story, a moment all it's own that led us to where we are right now. And to be able to see that and have just a glimpse of it and an understanding of it, just blows me away. I could write a book on just, the passage through the tunnel. I am in awe of God. He has brought me to my knees this week.
And we're still in a mess. We have a looong way to go. But, we will stay close to the orphans and through God anything is possible. Who am I to put limitations on God.
God has given me a great gift. I know how the story ends. I've seen the door fly open, and the light come bursting in.
And Olga's account update, $6,258!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Something's Changed Part I
Something feels different this year. This year beyond a shadow of a doubt has been the toughest year financially for us. I think I say this every year, only to be proven wrong the following year. But seriously this was the one.
The stress and frustration added to the everyday mix of life was excruciating at times. I came to depend on this blog as an outlet, a place where I could express my fears and hopes and yes, joys. Because in the mist of all the difficulties there were joys.
But what's different this year, especially right now during the Christmas season is... me. Usually I'm wrapped up in making everything perfect. I like perfect. I like organized. I have five kids two cats and one husband in a small house. I'm trying to achieve the impossible! But this year I have my sights on something else. Something more important than decorations and shopping and what Christmas is supposed to look like...
The only way I made it through this year (and we aren't through it yet), was to cling to Jesus. And I mean cling like a cat with her claws out... I'm not letting go no matter how hard you shake your arm! He was my refuge and my hope. I had no one else who could guide me through some days.
But somehow in the middle of all the clinging and begging and praying, and yes there were the days when I just had, had it, and yelled at Jesus, "Why are you letting this happen to us, haven't we been through enough"!
Of course, that statement was always followed by, " I know, you're not doing this to us, I just needed to yell at someone". In the middle of all this I changed. I could see a glimpse of where Jesus was leading us. Just a glimpse. And I got excited. I could feel we were near the end of this long and difficult time. My faith grew stronger, I could hear Gods voice clearer. I could feel His protective arms around us.
All these incredibly difficult times were not in vain. The struggles all made us stronger. Every single challenge and set back has had it's purpose. Every person placed in our lives was a deliberate act by God. I can see the pieces fitting into place. Oh Jesus loves to keep secrets and surprise us. And He is patient! And meticulous. He takes joy in the tiniest of details.
Jesus has been very busy in our lives. Not just mine but Peter's as well. We know what we are supposed to do. I always had this fear, that I would live and die and not accomplish what Jesus wanted from me. I could never figure it out. I have heard people say, "This is what I was born to do! I know this is my calling "! I never felt that. I did however feel that something was missing. I could feel it had to do with children. I figured it was to be a mother. But even with the great joy that being a mom brings to me everyday, I felt that that was just a piece, it wasn't the whole thing. Then Miss Em was born and I thought, AHA! I was born to be a special needs advocate. And yes, that was another piece, but still something was missing...
The stress and frustration added to the everyday mix of life was excruciating at times. I came to depend on this blog as an outlet, a place where I could express my fears and hopes and yes, joys. Because in the mist of all the difficulties there were joys.
But what's different this year, especially right now during the Christmas season is... me. Usually I'm wrapped up in making everything perfect. I like perfect. I like organized. I have five kids two cats and one husband in a small house. I'm trying to achieve the impossible! But this year I have my sights on something else. Something more important than decorations and shopping and what Christmas is supposed to look like...
The only way I made it through this year (and we aren't through it yet), was to cling to Jesus. And I mean cling like a cat with her claws out... I'm not letting go no matter how hard you shake your arm! He was my refuge and my hope. I had no one else who could guide me through some days.
But somehow in the middle of all the clinging and begging and praying, and yes there were the days when I just had, had it, and yelled at Jesus, "Why are you letting this happen to us, haven't we been through enough"!
Of course, that statement was always followed by, " I know, you're not doing this to us, I just needed to yell at someone". In the middle of all this I changed. I could see a glimpse of where Jesus was leading us. Just a glimpse. And I got excited. I could feel we were near the end of this long and difficult time. My faith grew stronger, I could hear Gods voice clearer. I could feel His protective arms around us.
All these incredibly difficult times were not in vain. The struggles all made us stronger. Every single challenge and set back has had it's purpose. Every person placed in our lives was a deliberate act by God. I can see the pieces fitting into place. Oh Jesus loves to keep secrets and surprise us. And He is patient! And meticulous. He takes joy in the tiniest of details.
Jesus has been very busy in our lives. Not just mine but Peter's as well. We know what we are supposed to do. I always had this fear, that I would live and die and not accomplish what Jesus wanted from me. I could never figure it out. I have heard people say, "This is what I was born to do! I know this is my calling "! I never felt that. I did however feel that something was missing. I could feel it had to do with children. I figured it was to be a mother. But even with the great joy that being a mom brings to me everyday, I felt that that was just a piece, it wasn't the whole thing. Then Miss Em was born and I thought, AHA! I was born to be a special needs advocate. And yes, that was another piece, but still something was missing...
Friday, December 10, 2010
Where's Em??
Miss Olga has taken over a few blogs here in blogland and rightfully so! When a dumpling like Olga takes control of your heart it's hard to say no... it's impossible to say no.
And with her donations reaching $5,162 already it's apparent that you all could not say no either, and for that I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Because God put this sweet in my head and in my heart and in Patti's head and heart, there are now THOUSANDS of people who are aware of RR and ALL the Sweets there. Jesus used Olga and all of us as advocates for the weakest, and most silent. Because of all of you, thousands of people heard a resounding yell for help and responded without question. Posts for Olga swept through blogland and FB like wildfire. Donations for Olga inundated RR. And soon I am sure of it, a family will come for her. Olga will have the fairytale ending! She will live happily ever after.
and it's not over yet! I still have things going on my end that will happen in January for Olga, and Patti has added some more beautiful items to her giveaway, donated by generous people who came forward and wanted to help.
And I think one of the most beautiful things that has happened this week, is Sophia has developed a heart for the orphan. Without me knowing she set up a giveaway on her blog for a little one named Brigita . Now don't get worried I'm not asking for anything. Well maybe just some prayers for Brigita and encouragement for Sophia, but I just have to brag about my girl. She was in tears, her heart was so moved by the outpouring of love for Olga that she searched RR and found Brigita. And again was moved to tears and compelled to try to do something.That is amazing and that is God moving my daughters heart. Can you imagine if cultivated , where this could lead her in life? I will not discourage her from trying to help another orphan on her own. I think it is amazing that she is plowing ahead with her heart.
And where is Miss Em? Well Miss Em has been doing some super things herself. Just this week SHE decided that she could walk up stairs, holding on to the railing. She also decided that she could very easily go down the small slide by herself. Just like the big kids do, by grabbing the bar over her head , swinging her legs out,plopping her bottom down, and pushing herself forward. SHE decided that after a year and a half of OT and practicing "putting in" and "releasing the death grip", she could easily take the cap off a jar and put in tiny pom poms , and then replace the cap, and SHE also decided that she absolutely should be eating with utensils. I'm also pleased to announce that SHE decided to do these amazing acts in front of her PT and OT. Most likely just to see our jaws drop in complete disbelief. I am now convinced my my daughter learns from observing, stores it all up in her sweet little head and uses it whenever SHE feels like it.
And another miracle! Anyone following Gavin on RR and hasn't heard, he now has a forever family!!!! Gavin was five years old and facing being institutionalized. He's got the Happily Ever After!!!
And with her donations reaching $5,162 already it's apparent that you all could not say no either, and for that I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Because God put this sweet in my head and in my heart and in Patti's head and heart, there are now THOUSANDS of people who are aware of RR and ALL the Sweets there. Jesus used Olga and all of us as advocates for the weakest, and most silent. Because of all of you, thousands of people heard a resounding yell for help and responded without question. Posts for Olga swept through blogland and FB like wildfire. Donations for Olga inundated RR. And soon I am sure of it, a family will come for her. Olga will have the fairytale ending! She will live happily ever after.
and it's not over yet! I still have things going on my end that will happen in January for Olga, and Patti has added some more beautiful items to her giveaway, donated by generous people who came forward and wanted to help.
And I think one of the most beautiful things that has happened this week, is Sophia has developed a heart for the orphan. Without me knowing she set up a giveaway on her blog for a little one named Brigita . Now don't get worried I'm not asking for anything. Well maybe just some prayers for Brigita and encouragement for Sophia, but I just have to brag about my girl. She was in tears, her heart was so moved by the outpouring of love for Olga that she searched RR and found Brigita. And again was moved to tears and compelled to try to do something.That is amazing and that is God moving my daughters heart. Can you imagine if cultivated , where this could lead her in life? I will not discourage her from trying to help another orphan on her own. I think it is amazing that she is plowing ahead with her heart.
And where is Miss Em? Well Miss Em has been doing some super things herself. Just this week SHE decided that she could walk up stairs, holding on to the railing. She also decided that she could very easily go down the small slide by herself. Just like the big kids do, by grabbing the bar over her head , swinging her legs out,plopping her bottom down, and pushing herself forward. SHE decided that after a year and a half of OT and practicing "putting in" and "releasing the death grip", she could easily take the cap off a jar and put in tiny pom poms , and then replace the cap, and SHE also decided that she absolutely should be eating with utensils. I'm also pleased to announce that SHE decided to do these amazing acts in front of her PT and OT. Most likely just to see our jaws drop in complete disbelief. I am now convinced my my daughter learns from observing, stores it all up in her sweet little head and uses it whenever SHE feels like it.
And another miracle! Anyone following Gavin on RR and hasn't heard, he now has a forever family!!!! Gavin was five years old and facing being institutionalized. He's got the Happily Ever After!!!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
My Sophia
If something goes wrong, we all look at Sophia, if someone is crying I call , "Sophia"!!! It seems like a lot of fingers are always pointed at Sophia. She is the middle child and well, she's living up to the myths and truth that come along with that status.
Middle child syndrome! She was a handful since birth and hasn't slowed down one bit.
My Sophia has a heart of gold. OK, we have occasionally compared it to the Grinch's , but we all know how that story ended.
Any way, Sophia was on RR the other day, checking Olga's account status and she found Bridgita. Sophia, felt compelled to do something on her own, and I'm so proud of her. She posted Bridgita on her very own blog. At first I told her not too. I don't even know why. My girl was just trying to do what I was doing. She felt that Olga was doing well , but Bridgita could use some help
I'm not asking that you donate , I've asked you all for enough, but please lend a few words of support to Sophia. She has a special place in her heart for children. I hope she follows that love and listens to what Jesus wants her to do with it in her life, because I believe it could lead to something incredible.
Here's her blog, please just give her an encouraging word. She tries so hard. and has such hope. I don't want her to loose that hope! And notice, Sophia is asking for prayers for Bridgita. That is something I will ask you to do. Because I know you will.
Middle child syndrome! She was a handful since birth and hasn't slowed down one bit.
My Sophia has a heart of gold. OK, we have occasionally compared it to the Grinch's , but we all know how that story ended.
Any way, Sophia was on RR the other day, checking Olga's account status and she found Bridgita. Sophia, felt compelled to do something on her own, and I'm so proud of her. She posted Bridgita on her very own blog. At first I told her not too. I don't even know why. My girl was just trying to do what I was doing. She felt that Olga was doing well , but Bridgita could use some help
I'm not asking that you donate , I've asked you all for enough, but please lend a few words of support to Sophia. She has a special place in her heart for children. I hope she follows that love and listens to what Jesus wants her to do with it in her life, because I believe it could lead to something incredible.
Here's her blog, please just give her an encouraging word. She tries so hard. and has such hope. I don't want her to loose that hope! And notice, Sophia is asking for prayers for Bridgita. That is something I will ask you to do. Because I know you will.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
There has been some confusion as to why the amount in Olga's fund keeps going up and down. And we got a perfectly logical answer from RR.
They move the money to Olga's Angel Tree fund!! This way it's more visible, Olga gets more of the money, AND donors over $35 will receive the ornaments. So the money is being shifted from her donation account to the angel tree account. It's all there just not all together. Believe me they know what they are doing and have Olga's best intentions in mind. I hope that clears up some of the questions.
They move the money to Olga's Angel Tree fund!! This way it's more visible, Olga gets more of the money, AND donors over $35 will receive the ornaments. So the money is being shifted from her donation account to the angel tree account. It's all there just not all together. Believe me they know what they are doing and have Olga's best intentions in mind. I hope that clears up some of the questions.
A Miracle In The Making
All I have to say is YES! Miracles happen!!!!!!
There is now $3402.57 in Olga's account!!!!!
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
A Givaway For Olga!!!!!!
Update!!!!! Olga's account now has $1756.00 !!!!!!!!!!! all she needs is a family now!!!!!
Amazing is all I can say! Patti over at A Perfect Lily, is having an Ipod Touch Giveaway for Olga!!! Easy to enter, go and see!
I am amazed at the support I am getting for Olga. I am so hopeful that she will get a forever family. The more people that know about her the better her chances are. Could you please pass along Patti's post??? Her words are beautiful and come straight from the heart.
You are a gem Patti!!!
Amazing is all I can say! Patti over at A Perfect Lily, is having an Ipod Touch Giveaway for Olga!!! Easy to enter, go and see!
I am amazed at the support I am getting for Olga. I am so hopeful that she will get a forever family. The more people that know about her the better her chances are. Could you please pass along Patti's post??? Her words are beautiful and come straight from the heart.
You are a gem Patti!!!
Monday, December 6, 2010
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Thankful Sunday
I could definitely say I'm THANKFUL this week is over!!! It was long and challenging. I was sick, Miss Em had a cold, Sophie had a cold. Nothing went as planned. I had to cancel almost all of Em's therapies because she was sick. And to top it all off... my chip in nightmare. Ya know!! Enough already!!
But in spite of all the set backs this week some really good things happened too, that I am thankful for.
Like this
It's an Advent Calendar! I've been seeing some really cute Advent calendars around on FB, but I didn't have the necessary supplies. I needed to figure out a way to make one with absolutely no cost. So here it is. I had the pine cone garland, and one thing I have an overload on is little socks, booties, and mittens that the kids have outgrown. I sewed them on and put a candy kiss and a scripture verse inside for the kids. It also serves as sweet memory for me.
And last night ! OMGoodness. This is where we were
This is our beautiful State House! Elected officials from across the country we here in RI, and Festival Ballet where my girls dance was invited to perform. The company dancers performed a few favorite pieces from the Nutcracker and some of the younger children were also invited to "decorate" the State House, in their Nutcracker costumes. It was beautiful and you really felt like you were at Clara's home on Christmas Eve.
Parents were invited to watch the show, but what I totally didn't expect was to be invited to eat drink and be merry with all the guests!! Can I just say... open bar, endless amounts of crazy delicious food, and an incredible show by the dancers. For a few hours last night Peter and I didn't have a care in the world. Jesus really knows when a bit of respite is needed.
The girls had a blast to say the least, and can now tell you where everything in the State House is , including the basement. Yes the basement. It was a crazy night. Hey, if you let kids have free range in the State House they are going to go for it. I probably would have done the same thing. And think about it, are we ever going to get into a party like this ever again??
Here are some pictures of my girls and the State House
This Chinese Candy Doll was what greeted the guests as they arrived.
And pretty party girls were all around.
The beautiful view from above.
All I can say is as bad as things are sometimes , there really is always something to be thankful for.
But in spite of all the set backs this week some really good things happened too, that I am thankful for.
Like this
It's an Advent Calendar! I've been seeing some really cute Advent calendars around on FB, but I didn't have the necessary supplies. I needed to figure out a way to make one with absolutely no cost. So here it is. I had the pine cone garland, and one thing I have an overload on is little socks, booties, and mittens that the kids have outgrown. I sewed them on and put a candy kiss and a scripture verse inside for the kids. It also serves as sweet memory for me.
And last night ! OMGoodness. This is where we were
This is our beautiful State House! Elected officials from across the country we here in RI, and Festival Ballet where my girls dance was invited to perform. The company dancers performed a few favorite pieces from the Nutcracker and some of the younger children were also invited to "decorate" the State House, in their Nutcracker costumes. It was beautiful and you really felt like you were at Clara's home on Christmas Eve.
Parents were invited to watch the show, but what I totally didn't expect was to be invited to eat drink and be merry with all the guests!! Can I just say... open bar, endless amounts of crazy delicious food, and an incredible show by the dancers. For a few hours last night Peter and I didn't have a care in the world. Jesus really knows when a bit of respite is needed.
The girls had a blast to say the least, and can now tell you where everything in the State House is , including the basement. Yes the basement. It was a crazy night. Hey, if you let kids have free range in the State House they are going to go for it. I probably would have done the same thing. And think about it, are we ever going to get into a party like this ever again??
Here are some pictures of my girls and the State House
This Chinese Candy Doll was what greeted the guests as they arrived.
And pretty party girls were all around.
The beautiful view from above.
All I can say is as bad as things are sometimes , there really is always something to be thankful for.
Friday, December 3, 2010
If You Donated To Olga Through My Chip In Please Read this!!!
OK, here's what's been going on with my chip in. I received the wrong email address for RR when I set up my chip in. If you used my chip in, then your donation did not go through. Your money did not go anywhere . The address I used is not valid so please be assured your money did not go to anyone else.
If you DID NOT receive any type of Payment verification from Paypal or Credit cards, the donation is not valid.
If you would like to donate to Olga again. Please use this link to her account on RR.
I am so sorry for the mistake, please be assured the link is safe and correct for donating. I know a good amount of people used my chip in and I feel awful for what happened. I am very sorry for this mistake but so grateful that so many have decided to do something to help her.
Here is the link to Olga's Account on Reece's Rainbow
If you DID NOT receive any type of Payment verification from Paypal or Credit cards, the donation is not valid.
If you would like to donate to Olga again. Please use this link to her account on RR.
I am so sorry for the mistake, please be assured the link is safe and correct for donating. I know a good amount of people used my chip in and I feel awful for what happened. I am very sorry for this mistake but so grateful that so many have decided to do something to help her.
Here is the link to Olga's Account on Reece's Rainbow
Can You Give This Christmas Away?
please scroll down and pause my music to hear this beautiful song, that just says it all
Can you give just a small piece of Christmas away to a little girl who has nothing? Can you fore go the coffee, the sandwich, the candy bar? One less stocking stuffer in an already bulging stocking? What can you get for Five dollars these days? Not a whole lot of quality things. But how about HOPE. If HOPE only cost five dollars would you buy it for yourself? Would you buy it for everyone you knew. How much money would you spend?
It would be the perfect Christmas present and everyone would be so amazed ! They would all say," Where did you find it, what a bargain! It's the best Christmas present I ever got! Thank you!"
How about being a Christmas Hero for a little girl named Olga! She has no Hope what so ever. How about we cover her with Hope this Christmas! Hope that someone out there knows she's alive! Someone cares! Some one loves her!
Olga is an Orphan in Eastern Europe, who needs a family! Please go and see Olga at Reece's Rainbow, and please give her some HOPE! Every single dollar is one dollar closer to a forever family. The more she has in her account the more likely some one will commit to her. Maybe even by Christmas!
You can donate here! I took my chip in down because it wasn't showing any updates and there have been donations! Then it just disappeared all together. It's safe and easy to go here to donate. Please give a way just a small piece of your Christmas to a child who has no one. I'm absolutely sure if we all give a small piece of our Christmas to Olga she will get a forever family. Wouldn't that be worth it???
And thank you so much to all who already gave Hope to Olga!
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Why Impossible Days?
I'm sitting here in the dark, the rest of the house asleep, and I'm wondering why some days are so impossible? Why do some days just have to suck the life out of you, leave you drained and exhausted, both physically and mentally, not to mention emotionally. Yesterday was one of those days for me. Although I cannot go into detail, let's just say I'm at least ten years older this morning than I was yesterday. I can say that it had nothing to do with any of the kids, just a day that never should have been. A day that I wish we could have just passed through as ghosts. Untouchable and invisible. Yesterday was a day that shook me like a rag doll and tossed me to the side of the road. Completely unnecessary cr*p, sums it up.
Or was it?
Was it necessary for some reason,to go to hell and back in about four short hours. Was it really a part of His plan? I always pride myself on saying that nothing ever happens without a reason. Jesus has his hand in everything, there are no mistakes or coincidences.
If that is true, than what happened yesterday was meant to happen, we needed it to happen.
I can say this about yesterday, it was a situation that we didn't see coming, and looked like there was no way out. A serious , life altering, and not for the better, situation. It had the makings of being absolutely disastrous. But as the events of the day unfolded, and it looked as if we were... and forgive me, but completely screwed, I started to see His hand.
We were brought to the edge yesterday. We were taking a path that was not good for us. Although we didn't realize it, and neglected to see the warning signs. I do believe Jesus used some tough love on us. And let me tell you we heard Him loud and clear.
I feel like the whole day, and I don't mean any disrespect here, I am just lacking the words to convey how I feel, but I feel like the day was a complete set up. I feel like we were absolutely never in control and Jesus orchestrated every terrifying second of the day. With all intentions of "taking care" of us and never letting us be harmed. Almost like when a child doesn't listen and a parent warns, "if you don't stay with me you're going to get lost".And of course the child wanders off again, leaving the parent with no choice but to teach their child a lesson. They hide, making the child think they were left behind. The fear overwhelms the child and although a tough lesson, it is a lesson learned, and the child never wanders away again.
Both Peter and I will forever and without a doubt always remember yesterday as one of the worst days of our lives. Hands Down! And I'm sorry for the veil of mystery here but I just cannot give out details as other people were involved.
But a lesson was learned and a message was heard, and the children will never wander again...
Or was it?
Was it necessary for some reason,to go to hell and back in about four short hours. Was it really a part of His plan? I always pride myself on saying that nothing ever happens without a reason. Jesus has his hand in everything, there are no mistakes or coincidences.
If that is true, than what happened yesterday was meant to happen, we needed it to happen.
I can say this about yesterday, it was a situation that we didn't see coming, and looked like there was no way out. A serious , life altering, and not for the better, situation. It had the makings of being absolutely disastrous. But as the events of the day unfolded, and it looked as if we were... and forgive me, but completely screwed, I started to see His hand.
We were brought to the edge yesterday. We were taking a path that was not good for us. Although we didn't realize it, and neglected to see the warning signs. I do believe Jesus used some tough love on us. And let me tell you we heard Him loud and clear.
I feel like the whole day, and I don't mean any disrespect here, I am just lacking the words to convey how I feel, but I feel like the day was a complete set up. I feel like we were absolutely never in control and Jesus orchestrated every terrifying second of the day. With all intentions of "taking care" of us and never letting us be harmed. Almost like when a child doesn't listen and a parent warns, "if you don't stay with me you're going to get lost".And of course the child wanders off again, leaving the parent with no choice but to teach their child a lesson. They hide, making the child think they were left behind. The fear overwhelms the child and although a tough lesson, it is a lesson learned, and the child never wanders away again.
Both Peter and I will forever and without a doubt always remember yesterday as one of the worst days of our lives. Hands Down! And I'm sorry for the veil of mystery here but I just cannot give out details as other people were involved.
But a lesson was learned and a message was heard, and the children will never wander again...
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Me Time Tuesday
Hmmmm, let's see there must have been something...
Just kidding! The kids were out of school for FIVE whole days plus there was a holiday. I had tons of me time. Alright maybe not tons but there were some moments.
Like, Thanksgiving dinner, I was surrounded by all the people I love. And my heart was happy. That's me time !
And later that night, It's A Wonderful Life, went on, as always. No Thanksgiving is complete until I've had a good cry watching my all time favorite movie.
And much later that night I got to snuggle and doze, well I think it was a coma brought on by too much Turkey, but we'll say doze, with Max our new cat and miss Bella. Peter took a picture of us, but there would have to be a lot of money involved for me to put it up on the blog! If Olga reaches her goal I'll post it!
Yes, for those who remember We were adopted. Our new friend is still here. I guess it's safe to say he isn't leaving. Our cat hates him!!! They will never be friends so Max has taken ownership of the sunroom.
And of course my quiet time in the mornings. Could not even begin my day if i didn't get a quiet cup of coffee and some quality blog time first.
And my new favorite me time... driving to get the girls from ballet at night. The traffic is gone and the highway doesn't give me pains in my chest like it does at rush hour. I get some great time to take with Jesus, tell Him what's going on and what we need. I put MY music on and just chill out.
let me hear what you're up to!
Just kidding! The kids were out of school for FIVE whole days plus there was a holiday. I had tons of me time. Alright maybe not tons but there were some moments.
Like, Thanksgiving dinner, I was surrounded by all the people I love. And my heart was happy. That's me time !
And later that night, It's A Wonderful Life, went on, as always. No Thanksgiving is complete until I've had a good cry watching my all time favorite movie.
And much later that night I got to snuggle and doze, well I think it was a coma brought on by too much Turkey, but we'll say doze, with Max our new cat and miss Bella. Peter took a picture of us, but there would have to be a lot of money involved for me to put it up on the blog! If Olga reaches her goal I'll post it!
Yes, for those who remember We were adopted. Our new friend is still here. I guess it's safe to say he isn't leaving. Our cat hates him!!! They will never be friends so Max has taken ownership of the sunroom.
And of course my quiet time in the mornings. Could not even begin my day if i didn't get a quiet cup of coffee and some quality blog time first.
And my new favorite me time... driving to get the girls from ballet at night. The traffic is gone and the highway doesn't give me pains in my chest like it does at rush hour. I get some great time to take with Jesus, tell Him what's going on and what we need. I put MY music on and just chill out.
let me hear what you're up to!
Monday, November 29, 2010
I'm Becoming a Pain In The Butt!!!
OK anyone who sent me an address , except Courtney could you please resend it. I don't think I was getting the ones from the link. Sorry for the inconvenience, hehe Tis the season, you know!
Christmas Cards
Due to my impeccable organizational skills, the addresses I collected from you all last year, are scattered to the four corners of the world. Some are here, some are there, some are no where. That sounds like a line out of a Cat In The Hat book. Maybe Thing One and Thing Two have been about.
I'm asking that any one who would like to receive a lovely card from our family to please email me your address. Especially if you have moved from last year!
send it here:
And Rochelle!!! Because I know you are here every time I post, could you do me a favor? I put my email address in my sidebar, could you use that link to test it out. I'm not sure if it works or not. If I don't get your address I'll know something is wrong. Thanks.
Here's a preview of the Christmas photo.
It gets more and more challenging every year...
I'm asking that any one who would like to receive a lovely card from our family to please email me your address. Especially if you have moved from last year!
send it here:
And Rochelle!!! Because I know you are here every time I post, could you do me a favor? I put my email address in my sidebar, could you use that link to test it out. I'm not sure if it works or not. If I don't get your address I'll know something is wrong. Thanks.
Here's a preview of the Christmas photo.
It gets more and more challenging every year...
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Thankful Sunday
We just walked in the door from our DSSRI Christmas Party. It was wonderful!! Emmie had a great time, all the kids did. There was an overload of cuteness everywhere. Today I am so thankful to be able to share the joy of Ds with others who are as blessed as I am. And know it!!
We got there early so Em "helped" decorate the tree. Yup, she stole a little decoration.
The Toe Jam Band was awesome!
Of course Santa and Mrs. Clause were there.
And this is so funny. Santa and Em had this private conversation going on. I think he was letting her in on all his secrets. She was entranced. If I didn't pick her up from Mrs. Clause I think they would still be looking at each other. It was a very special moment for both Em and Santa.
After that conversation with Santa, Em was all done. I never saw her fall asleep so fast.
AND, I'm thankful to say...
We got our tree!
And someone was caught red handed rearranging the lights.
I'm thankful for the goodies I got to take home from the party, as it saves me from cooking tonight.
And I'm so thankful for this break from the everyday running around. Next break Christmas! Can't wait.
Enjoy the rest of you Sunday!!
And please keep Miss Olga and the others from RR in your prayers.
We got there early so Em "helped" decorate the tree. Yup, she stole a little decoration.
The Toe Jam Band was awesome!
Of course Santa and Mrs. Clause were there.
And this is so funny. Santa and Em had this private conversation going on. I think he was letting her in on all his secrets. She was entranced. If I didn't pick her up from Mrs. Clause I think they would still be looking at each other. It was a very special moment for both Em and Santa.
After that conversation with Santa, Em was all done. I never saw her fall asleep so fast.
AND, I'm thankful to say...
We got our tree!
And someone was caught red handed rearranging the lights.
I'm thankful for the goodies I got to take home from the party, as it saves me from cooking tonight.
And I'm so thankful for this break from the everyday running around. Next break Christmas! Can't wait.
Enjoy the rest of you Sunday!!
And please keep Miss Olga and the others from RR in your prayers.
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