Sunday, November 14, 2010

Thankful Sunday

The baby is napping, Peter is putting the walls back in Andrew's bedroom(yes, from the flood ) and the girls are all somewhere, and quiet. And no, I'm not going to look for them. Andrew just got a lollipop and promised to leave me in peace for at least five minutes. And there's a big chicken roasting in the oven.   Now that's all worth being thankful for!

But I do have one more thing.
I have never seen these before. Courtney was thankful for them on her blog and ever since I've been searching high and low for them. Today I found them!!!! And yum!!!!!!! 

And I'm thankful for the good laugh we had when we came out of the grocery store today. 

Picture this. A family of seven(us), coming out of the store with groceries, then realizing the boat of a SUV they drive is already packed to the gills with boxes.All the seats are filled with children. So what else to do but start tossing the bags on top of the children. Emmie excluded. Mom is in the front seat belting out a yawn that could swallow the State of RI. Dad is running around the car from kid to kid fitting in bags. I turn my head towards the window and notice a young guy just staring at me. Oh great, didn't notice him there before that yawn. Now I'm so embarrassed. But I start to giggle. I lean over to let Sophia in on it. And we look over at the guy. He is watching us very closely and his mouth is hanging open. I haven't seen him blink yet either. Now I'm dying, I can't even try to control my laughter, and it's contagious. we all start laughing. Peter is now in the car, and the guy is still staring!!! Mouth still open, eyes like two saucers. Total shock and awe! 

He stayed like that until we backed out of the parking lot. He may still be like that!  The only thing I 'm wondering is, if it was my yawn, or the fact that we were burying our kids with bags, or the fact that he hadn't heard that Ringling Brothers was in town that put him in such a state of  shock.

I wish I had my camera with me . His expression was priceless.

Wishing everyone a good laugh today!


Scrappy quilter said...

That is hilarious. It reminds me of our little honda a number of years ago and packing the kids in with all our camping gear. Not a pretty sight. You do what you have to do. Love it. Hugs

Rochelle said...

You guys are so funny! Great thankfuls, thankful you had a quiet moment!