Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Heroes -Talk

I'm going to Wp. But I'm just taking my attitude! Daily Smiles will remain here just as it is, this is Em's blog and I love it! The reason for WP is that I feel like I need to reach people who don't already know and love our kids. People who are still cowering in the corner when Down syndrome is mentioned, people who would never consider adopting a child with Down syndrome. People just like the person I used to be.
Peter has graciously donated his News site, Heroes-Talk. We've had it for a while. I was supposed to do something with it last year and never did. Meanwhile,Peter turned it into a news site , he did a lot of work on it and it has a pretty good ranking and a good amount of traffic. It's already established so I don't have to start from scratch.

It's where I can tell it how it is. I can stir the pot and bring people way out of their comfort zone. It's where people can either support what I write or walk away from it. It's also a place where what I write will most likely bring some not so nice comments. A lot of people aren't going to like what I write.
It's going to be my venting place. A place where I can scream that there are children being thrown away, and why are there so few, who have it in their hearts, to pick them up and love them!
Anyone who is interested in writing a post let me know and Peter will set you up. You don't have to sugar coat your writing. If there is something related to health or Special needs that you want out there let me know, and you can write about it. We'll also give you a back link and credit as writer of the post. If you don't want the back link and want to write anonymously that's fine too. I will most likely do that too with some posts.
I haven't written anything yet, but here's the link We are still changing things, like
the header. You'll notice it doesn't say Heroes- Talk. It's a work in progress, but it's up and running, now all I have to do is get some posts written.

As I finished writing this post and hit publish, I went to another blog I follow, Micah Six Eight, and read Julia's latest post. This is why we need to advocate for the orphans! Please read her post and join in praying for these children. Please read!!


Rochelle said...

Check your link to WP it is bringing up some news website when I click on it.

Stephanie said...

Yes that's the site! It's a news website. There is a health and special needs section. That's where I will be posting.

Patti said...

stirring up the pot, hmmmm...Not that I would know from recent experience, but...you may want to moderate your comment section on the new site. or buy a bulletproof vest (metaphorically speaking.)
as for me....I'm heading over to add it to "my favorites"!

Michelle said...

Sounds like a great opportunity for you to advocate - good luck with this new venture!

Lacey said...

Man thats a great idea, because I got the most horrid comment ever on my blog the other day. I didn't post it, but its still sitting in my moderation. I agree about moderating them, because this one I wouldn't have wanted on the blog!

Scrappy quilter said...

I have to agree about moderating them. Lacey and I have talked about her horrid comment the other day. It was horrid!! Hugs and love

Melissa said...

I have your new blog bookmarked and isn't Julia's blog amazing!