Friday, February 18, 2011

One More Push For Olga!


Mighty nice auction going on here at Jenn's blog
The Abell Family needs just another 7000.00 !!!! Piece of cake! Speaking of cake there's a cute cupcake up for grabs at the auction. Please take a peek. And, notice the new picture of our sweet Olga.

The Abell's are so close. Olga needs to come home. Let's get them there so they can run like hell and rescue her.

And I finally have the complete amount that we raised in our school dress down day fundraiser for Olga , $2,192.00.!!
Thank you, St Peter, Our Lady of Mercy, John V Doyle and St Rose!!

Checks in the mail Jenn!!! (really)


To Love Endlessly said...

way cool! heading over to the auction site now. :-)

Katrina said...

what a wonderful way to help raise money for them.

Robin E. said...

WOW! What a great job raising money for Olga! You are awesome, Stephanie!

Melissa said...

Wow, great job on the dress down fundraiser!!