Here's Jane's post:
Do any of you remember when i posted about Anna over at The Chronicles Of Ellie Bellie Bear?
It was this post here entitled, Follow Your Heart, Follow Anna.
Anna is so in love with sweet Tabitha, a beautiful little girl with Down Syndrome, waiting in an orphanage in Eastern Europe for a family to find and love her. Let's pray this is soon, as Tabitha, just like Francine, will be sent to an adult mental institution to live out her days as she ages out at 4-6 years old! can we as a world not be screaming with everything in us about this!

Anna is so smitten she has offered to donate a dollar into Tabitha's adoption fund at Reece's Rainbow for every follower of her blog up to 150. This adoption fund will support a forever family in the huge financial commitment of international adoption and could make all the difference between Tabitha being saved or not!
Anna is also busying herself as Tabitha's Christmas Warrior, chasing her funds ever upwards towards the $1000 target...currently her angel tree fund is standing at $225. Anna also spends her time supporting and raising awareness for many more children and families in desperate need. I am honoured to count Anna as my friend and was thrilled to offer to match fund her efforts of $1 for every follower up to 150!
So how many followers is she up to?
As i type Anna has 126 followers! She is only 24 away from the 150 (that's going to cost us real dosh) total!
Can you pop on over and say hi to Anna here and see how wonderful her blog is?
I am also adding a little more fun into the mix as well...if you are one of the 24 who go and click 'follow' and then also donate yourself even one dollar into Tabitha's angel tree fund I will add another dollar myself. That would mean $2 from me for each of the next 24 followers! That could mean $50 extra for beautiful Tabitha if the next 24 followers made even a tiny donation each!
Of course, do feel free to add huge donations as encourage this thought along, for every donation over $30 i will add $3 to my running total! Wow if the next 24 followers did that it would mean $75 from me and the $1000 target reached overall!
Will you be in the 24? Leave a comment on this post to let me know you are newly following Anna and if you donated to cost me even more money! Remember, if you want to be one of the 24 these are your 3 options...
click follow here on Anna's blog to cost me $1..or
click follow here on Anna's blog and also donate into Tabitha's fund to cost me $2...or
click follow here on Anna's blog and also donate over $30 into Tabitha's fund to cost me $3
If we get Tabitha's angel tree fund over $1000 in the next week I will even take a cream pie in the face! For every additional $100 I will add an extra plate of varied yuk (my husband and children can decide on what this will be!)...yep that's how much i love Anna and the daughter of her heart!
Come on...I dare you!
Darling Lilianna! Once thought dead, then rediscovered, but still so poorly, still with no family committed to her and still in such desperate need of rescue!
Lilianna has some awesome women loving her from afar! Sarah at Matthew 18:14 never posts without adding this picture of her precious girl...
Lillianna has just turned two, her birthday if not exactly the same day as mine must have been pretty close. Aged two, abandoned in a baby house, no presents and family makes me weep!
Darling Lilianna! Once thought dead, then rediscovered, but still so poorly, still with no family committed to her and still in such desperate need of rescue!
Lilianna has some awesome women loving her from afar! Sarah at Matthew 18:14 never posts without adding this picture of her precious girl...
Summer from I LoveYou To The Moon And Back will love her forever for many reasons, their two histories entwined in ways that are so amazing I am certain we have not seen the end of their story as God's plans continue to unfold before us.
And of course the wonderful Marianne Fick from A Home for Darya is now Lilianna's Christmas Warrior!
Wow Lilianna, you wait till you find out what wonderful friends you have!
But we can help ensure this sweet girl's next birthday is very's so easy as well! Marianne is collecting loose change for LiliannaLilianna?
Loose change and your heart. Could you? Will you?
Visit this post to see what Marianne is up to.
If I get 100 people committing to collecting a jar of change for Lilianna over the festive period and then donating it into her Christmas Angel Tree adoption fund i will personally take a bucket of beans over the head! You heard right...beans! Sticky, disgusting, cold beans! Will you? Part of me fears you actually will!
If you are going to collect change then again leave a comment on this post!
Beans, pie and varied yuk for 2 sweet girls, my kids would love you forever if you gave them this pleasure!
Remember that many tiny actions joined together can create huge miracles. So go on…change the world for a child! Never be frozen by how small you feel in a world of insurmountable need…. that is the devil whispering in your ear!

So there you have it! A few painless clicks of you mouse and some change you'll end up losing anyway can help save a couple of Princesses, and you get to see my friend with a bucket of beans on her head, So flippin worth it! LOL
Because you will video tape this Sweet Jane!!!! I want live action shots!!
Visit Jane's blog, Flight Platform Living !!
Love this Chick!!