Thursday, November 17, 2011

So Hows The Potty Training Going?

Pictures really can explain when sometimes words just do not do a situation justice.

Hmm, looking  a little wet there Peter.

Emmie, did you piddle on Daddy?

Well, there's a typical answer for you.

Note to Daddy...Never tickle a naked baby BEFORE you put her on the potty!There's just not that much control going on just yet and when I get laughing...well you're just taking some big risks..


Becca said...

Hahaha!! And here's another word to the wise...never let a not-quite-potty-trained, pull-up-less child fall asleep on you. We once discovered the hard way that most piddling occurs in the waking-up process.

Whew, so glad all that's behind us now. LOL

Scrappy quilter said...

I'm laughing so hard right made my day. You also brought back some wonderful memories. Hugs

Runningmama said...

Wow, little Em is sitting on a potty! She's growing up! We just bought Emily a potty...but we are just starting out so no deliveries have made it into the potty yet :-)

Rochelle said...

Hahaha, oh sorry Peter, NOT laughing at you dear, just laughing WITH you! Love it!

Stephanie said...

Yeah that's about all she's doing on it... sitting! No delivers.

Unknown said...

That is very funny! Maddie is shoeing an interest in potty training and I am not sure where to start! Smiles

Michelle said...


Monica Crumley said...

Hilarious! Poor Daddy, but lucky it wasn't Mommy ;-)