Wednesday, February 1, 2012

When The Going Gets Tough...

WE RALLY! When one of our own is in trouble... WE RALLY! When a family is in need of support... WE CARRY THEM!

This is Charlotte, soon to become Miss Charlotte Dirkes! 

Her mama and daddy are taking her home soon! There court date is in just days!!! They have everything ready, especially their hearts!! 

They have already meet each other and both sides gave a big thumbs up! Love at first sight!
Aren't they both so beautiful!!!

So it all looks perfect. Except for one small problem. The Dirkes are not yet fully funded.

This is where we come in. This is where we rally. We carry, we support a fellow family doing something to save a life of a child. This is where we can no longer sit back. This is the time to act, and to do what you can to help The Dirkes bring Charlotte all the way home to everything wonderful that is waiting for her!

I really don't want to imagine The Dirkes stress level at this point. I don't want to imagine what they are thinking, their doubts and fears. But the one thing I really don't want them to think is that they are alone. It takes a village to bring home a child, and we are that village. We have brought home many children together, we have been part of the miracle time and time again! This one is no different. We just need to rally!

It's not impossible, it's really rather easy if we all chip in together. We are a community of families who get it!  We understand the importance of getting these Dumplings home as soon as possible. We understand Down syndrome is a joy, and we understand that being an orphan in EE is a death sentence.So let's just Get The Job Done for a fellow friend! 

Kelly's giveaway which is magnificent is here. Please show her your support. she shouldn't have to stress right now about money. She should just be busy getting ready to see her daughter again! Please do what you can! And as I always say!!! Sharing and praying are as important as donating!!!!! So please pass this along!!! You never know who will be reading, please!

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